Macht Nikotin abhängig oder der Tabak?
Ich habe in einem Forum gelesen, dass das Nikotin nicht süchtig macht, sondern die vielen anderen Stoffe in Tabakzigaretten.
Was meint ihr ?
Ich habe in einem Forum gelesen, dass das Nikotin nicht süchtig macht, sondern die vielen anderen Stoffe in Tabakzigaretten.
Was meint ihr ?
Hey! Mich würde mal interessieren, welche Abkürzungen/Codewörter/Slang-Begriffe ihr für gewisse psyochaktive Substanzen habt? (also z.B. Ecstasy: E, Teile, XTC, usw…) L.G. ~ Schwuv 🍄.
und was wäre die maximale Dosis wenn man es absichtlich missbraucht?
Warum werden Suchterkrankungen oft nicht ernst genommen? So als ob es nur eine dumme Angewohnheit wäre.
Ich bin seid einiger Zeit dabei Tilidin in höheren Mengen zu konsumieren und habe das Gefühl auch nicht wieder davon los zu kommen jetzt suche ich Möglichkeiten wie ich meinen Konsum erstmal kontrollierter gestalte da bin ich auf Substitution gekommen habe schon öfter von Leuten gehört die dann einmal am Tag was an einer bestimmten…
Ich wollte von Zigaretten auf dampfen umsteigen hab mir auch extra eine richtige Akkuträger verdampfer zugelegt hab auf 30W gedampft bei 1,5mg Nikotin Stärke aber das hat mich bereits nach 2 Zügen daran so um gehauen das mir schlecht schwindelig wurde dazu zittern unwohl sein Benommenheit dazu hab das dann wieder direkt sein gelassen woran…
Servus, ich frage mich ob man im bewusstlosen Zustand bei konsum von Suchtmitteln wie zb. Heroin, Nikotin, Marihuana usw süchtig nach der Substanz wird? Weil man wegen dem bewusstlosen Zustand ja nicht weiß was passiert ist.
Nicotine is the main component of cigarettes that makes us addicted, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Another important additive is the ammonia compounds added during production to cover the hardness of the tobacco, so we are at least told. In fact, however, they also trigger a chemical reaction with nicotine, resulting in free nicotine. Free nicotine gets into the brain faster than normal nicotine, which leads to a more immediate and more intense reaction and strengthens the addiction.
Sugar is also added to taste cigarettes better
and remove the bitter taste of cigarette smoke. They lower the pH of cigarette smoke, making it less sharp and irritating, making smoking more attractive, especially for new smokers. But if these added sugars burn when igniting a cigarette, they form additional compounds, so-called aldehydes, which increase the effectiveness of nicotine and make cigarettes more addictive because the brain is more susceptible to nicotine and therefore absorbs it much faster.
Lavulic acid, another additive, is an organic salt which also covers the harsh properties of smoking and prevents the smoker’s neck from being irritated during smoking. It desensitizes the upper airways so that the cigarette smoke can be breathed deeper. It also makes the brain more susceptible to nicotine, which further strengthens the addiction.
Menthol is another important substance. It creates a cooling feeling when a smoker inhales. It is logically assumed that Menthol is added to help younger people to acquire the habit. My daughter is one of three menthol smokers in our family; she smokes Newport 100s (a very strong brand), she is obviously the most addicted of all of us.
Other reasons why many of us continue to smoke are that we can handle stress more easily, although we know that smoking is risky and dangerous. Many of us, in particular smoking working mothers like me, have to bring family, household and work under control today, and to light a cigarette is very welcome to let the day end. Many other of us, including me, find that smoking helps to keep the desired weight. Nicotine accelerates the physiological functions, i.e. the speed at which the body metabolizes food. When you stop smoking, the metabolism slows down, food is burned more slowly and you are increasing. This reason alone is a strong incentive for many of us to continue smoking.
Hello summer grill, 👋
nicotine alone does not do
dependent and not addicted.
This maybe?
An accurate and very competent explanation
by Ray in the comment. 👍
LG 🙋🏻
is actually a well-known fact that the tobacco industry has done everything to keep people at the bar by as high a search potential as possible. Nicotine in combination with ammonia is just one of them. Nicotine alone doesn’t make addiction, otherwise all nicotine plasters would be useless.
may be that it is not the nicotine, that is also unimportant what makes addiction or not. Smoking is harmful, unfortunately also for non-smokers (which is why the bans in restaurants etc.).
At most, it plays a role as to whether he can and wants to stop at all. But that’s why the cigarettes will never be sprinkled differently if it were. You can calculate why…. and other tobacco use
Here too, completely false and incompetent statements about nicotine and about e-cigarettes are spread❗️🤦🏻
@anwesende has already formulated it very closely.
Nicotine alone does not sin. But when smoking a cigarette, about two liters of smoke and the 40 carcinogenic substances are released.
And there are also the addictions in there, beautiful evening
It is the nicotine contained in the tobacco – a nerve poison that produces the plant for protection from pests.
Oh, yes! I’ve been watching at school in Bio (LK to Abi)!
It is the nicotine contained in the tobacco – No, it’s tobacco smoke itself. “The nicotine is due” is now simply no longer durable, away from whether it is about the addiction or the damage.
I’ve been watching at school in Bio (LK to Abi)! – beautiful for you… so all the right that believe God has created the earth and the people, for at least that teaches the Bible. And all those who are the firm conviction that the earth is a disc are then also in the right, because that has been considered a fact at some point and taught to all? The fact that what has been considered to be secured can change with time also afacgh because life and science are evolving does not come to your mind?
Doccheck – sorry, but who still claims 2024 “For a person not used to nicotine, the unique dose of 60 mg can be fatal” and then with this stupid comment “However, the specification of 60 mg corresponding to an LD50 of 0.8 mg/kgKG is controversial in the literature.“, which is absolutely wrong, it is clearly refuted because “In a 2013 publication, it is assumed that this value stems from an uncertainly evident indication of a textbook published in 1906 by Rudolf Kobert t” that is also not only “presumed”, but also that is KLAR BEWIESEN: – the LD50 of nicotine lies in normal adults (about 70-80kg) at about 0.5-1 GRAMM nicotine in blood plasma – THE HIS GLAUBWIGKEIT
Planet knowledge – what does DAS have to do with the question whether it is nicotine or tobacco smoke, which is addictive? It’s a shame that the one that’s right in itself with this stupid comment “nicotine also damages the human body, at least it strengthens the course of numerous diseases.“but ruin it again, because it’s so simply wrong.
And Wikipedia – Have you ever read what is written there? Somehow not, otherwise you would have noticed that this article does NOT give you the right: “Nicotin is mainly with responsibility for the dependence on tobacco products“and “The addiction effect of nicotine is enhanced by monoaminooxidase inhibitors contained in tobacco smoke.” – if there were no addiction amplifiers in cigarette smoke, tobacco smoke would not be addictive to how many exclusive pipe and cigar smokers can confirm.
Oh. I have read the question, I have even understood it and even if you don’t believe it, I have the necessary knowledge to answer it.
Then read again the question Grüni
You want to talk good about smoking, – she doesn’t smoke. And sorry, but using for the truth is not a “good” thing. It is also not a bad thing to say about tobacco smoke “the one is carcinogenic”.
So the tobacco is addictive or what – No… not “addiction“but ONLY tobacco smoke is even addictive, tobacco-free nicotine is not addictive,
first, I don’t want to talk good
and secondly I do not!
An answer to this question with a very accurate and excellent explanation can be found by Ray in my commentary.
I think you want to talk good about smoking. So the tobacco is addictive or what?
By the way:
the individual expert
Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer
University of Graz
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The classification of nicotine
as addiction of
Current literature
not supported [8]!!️
You’re spreading incompetent false information here!
Yes, but
—> NUR🦟INSETS🐞🪳🪲🦗🐞
But NOT for people❗️
Is nicotine a poison?
O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer
Head of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Humboldtstraße 46/I, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Due to the marketing of novel nicotine-containing products as a less harmful alternative to tobacco cigarettes, the effects of nicotine are currently of great social and political interest.Mostly one reads that nicotine is a “nervary”❗️
From what has been said so far, this statement is meaningless from a toxicological point of view, because there are no poisons but only doses of poisons.It is, however, the question of whether nicotine should generally be referred to as poison, i.e. an “unconditional poison” in the sense of Kobert.
Both in smoking and in the consumption of novel nicotine-containing products, for example the so-called electronic cigarettes, the absorbed dose of nicotine causes a stimulation of certain receptors on nerve cells and thus imitates the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.This is not a “gift effect”, but the imitation of an endogenous action principle with positive effects on the organism,smokers cause this substance to be consumed for life and even to accept the well-known harmful, sometimes even fatal effects of tobacco smoke.
Forusual dosage outweigh effects on the central nervous system, especially the improvement of cognitive functions, such as learning, memory and concentration. ❗️
In overdose, nicotine causes the known side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headache. Blocking the function of nerve cells, i.e. the effect as nerve poison,requires very high dosage, which is achieved only by swallowing or intravenous administration corresponding to large amounts as💉Bolus.This neurotoxic effect is based on inactivation of voltage-dependent Na+ channels by permanent depolarization of the nerve cells.
💡 So we can stick together,that nicotine is not a poison in the scientific sense, because there is no “gift in itself”, but also in general language use is not to be called a “gift” because it has positive effects in the usual dosageand the “gift effect” only occurs when there is a massive overdose which is only achieved by misuse.
In principle, when reporting in the media on so-called harmful substances or toxins in the environment or in food, we should not be content with the reference to their presence but should always question the detected quantities and doses of exposure.
Nicotine is a poison!
Those who use false information are, unfortunately, you!
Oh, no!
But hey, it doesn’t surprise me at all that even in schools still incompetent, obsolete false information about nicotine will be spread … 🤦🏻
Nicotine depends, not tobacco.
But nicotine is also a strong nerve poison.
2 x no!
Before you write such a nonsense, maybe you should read yourself.
Under the point: Toxic effect
Yeah, for insects.
Nicotine is a alkaloid and thus a nerve poison.
Alkaloids are naturally occurring, chemically heterogeneous, usually alkaline, nitrogen-containing organic compounds of the secondary metabolism which act on the animal, i.e. also human organism.
The dose makes the poison. Paracelsus knew that 500 years ago. You seem not.
the longest outdated assumptions❗️
In fact,
👉nie detectedthat nicotine
addicted, or addicted
Opinions – no matter who – are with
This topic completely irrelevant❗️
Yes, but
—> NUR for🦟INSEKTEN🐞🪳🪲🦗🐞
But NOT for people❗️♪
Is nicotine a poison?
O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer
Head of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Humboldtstraße 46/I, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Due to the marketing of novel nicotine-containing products as a less harmful alternative to tobacco cigarettes, the effects of nicotine are currently of great social and political interest.Mostly one reads that nicotine is a “nervary”❗️
From what has been said so far, this statement is meaningless from a toxicological point of view, because there are no poisons but only doses of poisons.It is, however, the question of whether nicotine should generally be referred to as poison, i.e. an “unconditional poison” in the sense of Kobert.
Both in smoking and in the consumption of novel nicotine-containing products, for example the so-called electronic cigarettes, the absorbed dose of nicotine causes a stimulation of certain receptors on nerve cells and thus imitates the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.This is not a “gift effect”, but the imitation of an endogenous action principle with positive effects on the organism,smokers cause this substance to be consumed for life and even to accept the well-known harmful, sometimes even fatal effects of tobacco smoke.
Forusual dosage outweigh effects on the central nervous system, especially the improvement of cognitive functions, such as learning, memory and concentration. ❗️
In overdose, nicotine causes the known side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headache. Blocking the function of nerve cells, i.e. the effect as nerve poison,requires very high dosage, which is achieved only by swallowing or intravenous administration corresponding to large amounts as💉Bolus.This neurotoxic effect is based on inactivation of voltage-dependent Na+ channels by permanent depolarization of the nerve cells.
💡 So we can stick together,that nicotine is not a poison in the scientific sense, because there is no “gift in itself”, but also in general language use is not to be called a “gift” because it has positive effects in the usual dosageand the “gift effect” only occurs when there is a massive overdose which is only achieved by misuse.
In principle, when reporting in the media on so-called harmful substances or toxins in the environment or in food, we should not be content with the reference to their presence but should always question the detected quantities and doses of exposure.
These are opinions of scientists, not secured findings. You can do a lot of mine.
Last seen the article in Wikipedia 10. Nov. 2024 updated.
the individual expert
Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer
University of Graz
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The classification of nicotine
as addiction of
Current literature
not supported [8]!!️
Then please prove that, finally everyone can claim.
I’m sorry to disappoint you,
but these long-old assumptions
👉are false that stand there❗️
I have medical knowledge.
I have medical knowledge. – ah yes… but then unfortunately those from the last millennium…
They don’t use anything!
One needs toxicological, or
scientific knowledge!
NIE has been shown that
Nicotine dependent, or addicted!
This is scientific consensus.