Macht ihr manchmal Fressorgien?
Manchmal fahre ich zum McDonalds oder Burger King und kaufe mir mehrere Menüs, oder ich holen mir zwei Döner usw.
Solche Orgien machen manchmal Spaß. Früher hab ich das aber öfter gemacht.
Wie handhabt ihr eure Orgien?
Sog. Fressanities point to massive nutrient deficiency. Mostly due to an unhealthy, unbalanced diet.
What doesn’t mean that I don’t always like a good Hamburger, but not in fast food chains.
I’ll go on and on. But then rather not with Mc Donalds or BK, but rather with the Dönermann, Pizza delivery service, all you can eat with the Chinaman or with something self-cooked…
I’ve got this from binge eating. (If I have a lot of stress). With discipline & perseverance ^^
Make this happen several times a day deliberately at McDonalds
Wouldn’t get so much down
Nopeeeeemals .
What is that?
Is it cool???
no, fast food is garbage
leads to fullness and weight gain
yes, I don’t eat
That’s your opinion. Nevertheless, this “billigfraß” is very popular I would say.
but no Fressorgia with this cheap question…
A life without a bit of sin is boring. Hahaha
Ne, sorry but ne xD