Macht es Sinn, KI-Programmierer zu werden?
Hallo Leute,
ich möchte gerne Softwareentwickler werden. Ich übe schon eine Zeit lang mit den Standard-Website-Sprachen, also HTML, CSS und JavaScript.
Eben habe ich aber ein Tiktok gesehen, in dem darüber informiert wurde, was für einen Durchbruch ChatGPT aktuell hat und wie sich das in der Zukunft noch weiterentwickeln kann.
Ich selbst nutze nur die kostenlose Variante und bin da schon überrascht, wie hilfreich diese ist. Da hab ich mich gefragt, ob Jobs wie Appentwickler, Software Developer, usw. überhaupt noch lange gebraucht werden, da ChatGPT jetzt schon teilweise ganze Webseiten ausspucken kann, wenn man es danach fragt.
Ist es dann nicht sinnvoller, wenn ich mich mit meinem Coding jetzt schon auf KI spezialisiere, da ich vermute, dass solche Jobs bald sehr gefragt sein werden, wenn sich die KI so weiterentwickelt.
Was meint ihr?
Ich interessiere mich sowieso schon extrem für alles, was irgendwie mit künstlicher Intelligenz zutun hat und wenn solche Jobs tatsächlich bald sehr gefragt sind, dann könnte ich mein Interesse halt mit einer Menge Geld kombinieren.
1. Homepage Building boxes and similar software, where you can create an entire website in just a few clicks, there have been years.
To formulate the whole for ChatGPT as a set is more a step back.
2.) In software development, AIs are not regarded as a “competition” but as a future tool. What will possibly become less or fall away from AI in the future will be the code, but the rest of the software development will remain.
The code is already a very small part in software development.
Such jobs are already very popular and well paid today.
If you are interested in the topic, then you can start quietly, why not?
Okay, thank you.
Now that I first master Javascript on the same level as HTML and CSS, I would like to start with the right programming language. Which one would be the best in the direction of AI?
Java, C# and Python are well suited for learning.
Python also has some advantages regarding AI development.
First, HTML and CSS have nothing to do with programming.
As a software developer, you have to learn how to program correctly.
What jobs do you mean by AI?
In order to be able to earn a lot of money as a AI developer, you should not only have studied, but also be very good and have many years of experience to participate in it.
If you mean the AI could program apps and websites for you, then dreams continue
It did.
As you write unconsciously, a website is also programmed.
Although HTML and CSS are not programming languages themselves, both have something to do with programming.
That’s not true.
YES most websites have included programming.
I program my naturally in PHP to make dynamic pages and to simplify SEO.
Without programming, you will not get access to Datanbank and no mailing for forms.
Occasionally something JS is also necessary, but this should be used very sparingly.
But as confirmed now, HTML and CSS are not a programming language and does not have anything to do with it.
A website only with HTML and CSS is of course feasible.
Can even have animations at CSS3.
But still you can’t do any programming things.
The animations mentioned can also not be programmed but only prefabricated animations with parameters can be used.
Html5 is not a programming language
You can’t program
To do this, you need JS or PHP, to project with HTML
For programming, you always need a programming language.
I never said HTML and CSS are programming languages. I only practice them because most programmers recommend this before you learn to program correctly to understand this better.
Besides, I’m just doing my Abi and had to study computer science before then.
And yes AI can program websites. It is sometimes enough to write a sentence by describing the website and already you get the code you just have to insert. With the new Chatgpt 4.0, there will even be a complete WYSIWYG tool
But HTML has no relation to correct programming languages such as C++
It has no variables and no loops and no IF queries
If you want to become a computer scientist, a Raspberry Pi and real programming would be more sensible.
Or you should work at least with PHP or Python
And you think with ChatGPT you would be able to build a real website?
You really have a lot to learn.
Good luck
It’s just stupid that it wasn’t at all.
Topic missed. Six.
And with this you prove that you do not know the definition of programming and that you are looking at a laity-like and simply wrong definition.
And that you are now full of my other answers and years of old questions with nonsense, do you think for the leader?
Do you really think that makes your insane comments better here?
You just make yourself ridiculous, no more.
You’re no help here.
grow up.
Then read your Komentare correctly
Has you written
You wrote
Of course, a programmer is just someone who writes programs with a programming language.
If you want to program something you need to use the syntax of the corresponding programming language
HTML is not a basic framework
It is not a basic framework
It is a textual description and describes the structure and look of the website displayed with the browser.
HTML comes completely without programming language, with static website
Of course, you can also output HTML with PHP – but in principle you can create such websites with any other programming language and create HTML.
The browser does not understand PHP but only the HTML that is output and sent to the browser
A PHP program also comes out without HTML, but can be used to create HTML
Nonsense – you don’t really mean that
You start a program, no longer
The programs of the washing machine have programmed the developers.
But if you mean you can program washbooks yourself (when you only turn it on) then you should apply immediately as a programmer – then every software company takes you with hand kisses
🤣🤣 Thanks that was the best I had ever heard
Didn’t anyone say?…
Please read a comment neatBefore you answer.
Then you would have seen the following sentence:
“Even if HTML and CSS are not programming languages“
Just read properly, then others don’t have to repeat because of you.
The is nonsense.
Read the definition of “Programming” by -> “Playing a Computer Instructions”.
A very simple example for you: When you set up in your washing machine that you have a certain Programme to use it while washing, then program it. You give her instructions.
You do not use a programming language, but a software.
On website it is exactly the same, you give your computer (using the browser -> a software) instructions.
As I said, you should simply check the definition of the term programming and not hang on to the amateurish and simply wrong mistakes of “Programming is when you use programming languages”.
From this you should also learn to interpret the statement of a comment correctly.
It’s not about whether HTML is programming,
it’s about whether there’s something in the direction.
Even if you weren’t programming with HTML (but… “sign”? What would the correct term of your opinion be?),
then it would still have something to do with the subject.
HTML is the basic framework on which some programming languages such as Javascript, PHP or ASP.Net are set.
Programming a website also has a certain similarity to programming a software.
There are defined structures, a predetermined syntax, “expansions” through other languages and of course it requires a similar abstract thinking.
So if you seriously claim that HTML/CSS has nothing to do with programming, then you’re simply wrong.
Just because it’s not programming doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do with it? Otherwise, programmers would not deal with and discuss
With HTML you can program technically when you embed Javascript. Surely you don’t program HTML in yourself, but you’re already programming somewhere in HTML.
More developers! The pure code makes the AI more and more.
Reliable programming can not be an AI for a long time