Macht es Sinn einen Kredit aufzunehmen?

Möchte mir ein Auto kaufen mein Budget liegt bei 4000-5000 Euro die hätte ich so auf dem Konto liegen sogar deutlich mehr. Sollte man wenn man sich das Auto 4-5x leisten könnte trotzdem einen Kredit nehmen ? Oder direkt Cash zahlen ? Was würdet ihr an meiner Stelle tun.

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1 year ago

Depends on the car.

If you can deposit it well, I would take a loan and leave the 5000+ as a buffer.

1 year ago
Reply to  nekaaya2

They were built for a long time. There are good cars for 3 to 5000. But then would go vlt in direction Asians. Toyota Corolla, Honda Jazz, Mitsubishi SpaceStar/Colt.

1 year ago

If you already have the money for the desired car, pay immediately without credit.

Everything else makes up for high interest rates that are currently demanded no sense, and you “burn” unnecessary your money….

1 year ago

I would not accept a loan if you had a (not even a small) sum of €4,000 to 5,000, then I would buy a used, possibly smaller car for this money at your place, because considering that if you had a self-inflicted accident with total damage after a short time with the car, then you no longer have a car, but can still pay the loan back