Macht es Sinn, die Bahn wieder komplett zu verstaatlichen und das Personal zu verbeamten und damit den dauernden Streik zu verhindern?

dann hieße es 41 Wochenstunden und Schichtdienst…

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1 year ago

In principle, I wouldn’t mind. This is not the only possible solution.

If hospital doctors or nurses strike, there is an emergency or emergency care in certain cases. They can’t just be the patients or Put children on the street until the strike is over.

One could also adopt a strike law (as in other countries) which regulates the conditions under which strikes are possible.

1 year ago

For a few people it would certainly make sense for others not at all, or would it even be disadvantageous.

The privatization of the railways has not been made from jux and dollery, but because the chronic deficit operation cost the state budget a double-digit billion euros each year. And the depressing cost avalanche of the officials’ pensions began gradually to record. That’s all you’d do, you’d turn the clock back.

This would only solve a small part of the extensive problems that the railway has.

In view of this, one may ask what special right railway customers have to enjoy a special protection against strikes. As a driver, I do not have this protection when the road service sets up the work in winter – not to mention any other aspect of life. So why should they drive the train have a special privilege at all costs?

I see only a minority in it.

1 year ago

You can’t force anyone to beam.

So the demands are not from the table…

None of the strikers will be beamed here and more work for less money

1 year ago
Reply to  Tannennadel55

Nope. Then you will no longer find any staff when the conditions are worsening

1 year ago

Even then you should make the job more attractive if you want to have staff

1 year ago

nationalization would be useful but for other reasons – the demand after a 35h week would not be of the

1 year ago
Reply to  Tannennadel55

that’s why I wrote my answer as I wrote it – who can read it is clear in the

1 year ago

Three x can be guessed for what reason this has been.
But everything must always be changed by Oberschlaumeier – politics.