Macht es noch Sinn als Künstler richtige Musik zu machen? Spotify mit Haufen Fake KI Songs?
Hey ich bin echt traurig das Fake Künstler die KI Songs mit billige Qualität mehr Aufrufe haben
Zum Beispiel
Ich Bin echt zurzeit enttäuscht
Richtige Künstler werden gleich bezahlt so sad
Ich bin DJ,Künstler,Produzent mache auch mit anderen Künstler was zusammen .
Wir Stecken eine Menge Arbeit rein und haben mit Spotify auch nicht viel Gewinn erzielt am Ende Geben wir mehr Geld aus für neue Music produzieren und mastering von Tonstudio
Ich bin gerade an einem Punkt, wo ich gerade ziemlich bisschen verzweifelt bin und vielleicht habt ihr eine Idee was man machen könnte? Könnt gerne mal reinhören
Bei mir
DJ TrapStar
Well, that actually only shows that your music is worth nothing if AI is better graded. What I’ve heard from KI is not the yellow of the EI.
Just do something good, then you don’t have to complain.
So you didn’t even listen to the music. So you can’t just judge without listening. These are worlds in between. What I do, we do
BlaBlaBla… How old are you 12 or 13 years?
I also believe that you just want to advertise for you.
I think older than you. If you can judge music and not listen to it, you can only be 10 years
Yes, of course, the genre selection is huge, also that of the artist. If you don’t have something as a musician, you’re out of the mainstream business.
Your sound is electronic mainstream, already heard a thousand times, so nix new and the song sounds like doing car, which is probably the first thing that is mastered by the AI.
I don’t want to take your courage, but getting successful with music is a strong piece of work. Don’t lose the courage.
Thank you car tune used every time less or more car tune is not only car tuning voice correction, it is also because a singer always sings wrong. He can never sing 100% straight I’m currently doing Hardstyle Dance or future rave EDM like David Guetta which is just as good quality absent club suitable festival suitability and bass everything is perfect we work with studio and labels together just the expenses are high.
And Spotify pays everyone equal to Fake artists with ki songs or real artists and I find that really sad.
No, a good singer doesn’t sing wrong.
Bad singers who correct with Auto Tune are unfortunately many, especially in the field of simple beats, German-Rap, Hardstyle and Techno, EDM. There are many flat talents here, with hardly any chances it’s getting a bit out.
is done.
Yes so sad🥲
had been through before. Too many people to find an audience.
So I have to say that I find your tracks very horny.
And to your question, yes it makes sense, because as an artist you have imagination, creativity, strengths and weaknesses. I think this is not always 100% perfect, making music really good