Macht eine Schüssel Chips dick?
Ich hab einen relativ dünnen Körper und bin auch zufrieden damit aber hab immer Angst wenn ich was esse dadurch zuzunehmen ich Esse normalerweise nicht viel süßes oder Chips halt generell fast nie Food und sowas.
Weintrauben und Himbeeren auf die 1!
Ich habe vor 2 Stunden eine ganze tiefkühlpizza gegessen und ich finde das das für meine Verhältnisse sehr viel ist. Aber ich habe jetzt wieder Hunger obwohl ich dich vor kurzem noch was gegessen habe, und das war ja auch nicht wenig. Und das habe Ich ganz oft das Ich schnell wieder Hunger habe. (Ich…
Hallo, ich habe eine Frage zu Aquakultur. Bei der Aquakultur werden Fische gezüchtet und kontrolliert produziert. Ich kann mir aber irgendwie gar nicht vorstellen, wie das funktioniert. Also viele Tiere leben dann auf engstem Raum miteinander, werden kontrolliert gefüttert in der Hoffnung dass sie sich vermehren oder einfach dass sie wachsen um sie dann zu…
Kann ich mir ein Yoghurt machen (Yoghurt, Banane, Himbeeren, Hafer, proteinpulver) und diesen mit in die Schule nehmen (Pause 4.5 Stunden nach dem machen). Schmeckt er dann noch?
Love Nelli, if you are satisfied with your body, look forward to you.
What worries me, however, is that you are afraid to accept it. When I read this statement, I’m gonna be pale. I would be happy to recommend you with our anonymous and free online consultation ( ) to talk about eating disorders. Here you can talk to my colleague about your worries and get a advice. Everything is unimaginable and my colleagues are happy to give you tips.
A certain food never makes thick.
A calorie excess makes thick. It doesn’t matter what food.
No, they don’t. Not at all if you eat them so rarely. Not a particular food is due to increase, but a calorie surplus.
You can and should always enjoy something delicious and “unhealthy”. That’s good for the soul and just enjoying life. Don’t worry so much about your figure and look. You’re as good as you are, you’re more than your appearance.
If you feel that your dietary behavior affects you often think about food and calories, you should look for professional help. There can be an eating disorder that can potentially end fatal. Better act earlier than to hurt.
Happy 🙂
If you do not move enough normally. You just need to get into the calorie deficits then that’s right.
If you do not make it a habit (e.g. a whole bag of chips daily) and you are regularly moving, active and healthy, you will not be fat, no.
In principle, you will become thick through a mixture of unhealthy food (sugar-containing, fat, rich in calories, etc.) and too little movement.
Depends on how often this happens, what and how much else you eat and how much enerige you consume (or convert).
if you eat them more often, absolutely,
It doesn’t matter, because it’s getting sick. Your body will remind you later.
If you eat chips, you won’t get fat.
Don’t worry about that. That doesn’t make thick is nice
😂😂 optional go Pommes also
The potato is not a vegetable. That’s what my partner once said. Maybe you ask your partner. Oh, hop. You’ll never find a partner. Because…
Don’t let her hä asked you
I’m not writing with you anymore, you’re infinitely annoying you OP*er
I doubt that….
I make the shit
and you take him away…
And you are the
You’re a lobe
And you’re a broom.
👍 Then you are a good combination and can clean the floors together!🧹 Please sweep first, then wipe.🧽 Thank you…
You’re a lobe
And you’re a broom.
👍 Then you are a good combination and can clean the floors together!🧹 Please sweep first, then wipe.🧽 Thank you…
At least something that indicates nehr Grips
What else do you expect me to get on my nerves?
At least I don’t have to offend others
And you’re infallless
And you’re a broom
You’re a lobe
I am the Allercoolest here and I have the right to