Macht Ehrgeiz glücklich?

Sind Menschen die sehr Ehrgeizig sind, und Macht und Geld um jeden Preis wollen, sehr glücklich?

Macht es einem glücklich hohe Ziele zu haben? Macht es einen Glücklich wenn man ein extrem hohes Ziel um jeden Preis verfolgt, egal was kommt?

Oder kann das definitiv zu Depressionen führen? Ich weiss von mir das ich früher oft viel zu hochgesteckte Ziele hatte, und dann depressiv wurde.

Aber vielleicht habe ich Ehrgeiz falsch ausgelebt?

Macht extremer Ehrgeiz denn überhaupt jemand glücklich?

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4 months ago

Basically, I would say: Yes.

The path is known to be the target. It can also end up in depression. But I think that you often stop automatically at some point. As an example you are a musician: Kollegah is a perfect example. It’s all ripped off with King and fetched in 24h gold. With JBG 3 what I know how much people are on tour. billions of streams, multimillions earned, the best texter of the scene, echo won, Zig gold and platinum plates also diamond I believe… at some point, just enough. What do you want to do great? Get in 24h diamond? But whether it fulfills one…

I think the way was his goal. Now he looks happily back on his achievement in retirement.

But it can go back.

4 months ago

No, who wants power at any price, he is dissatisfied with himself, otherwise he does not need it

the happiest are the enjoyable, relaxed people

4 months ago
Reply to  LordOfApathy

yes you have to have enough self-confidence to give nix

It’s your life and you decide what you want to do and what makes you happy

Who gives what others say udn think is lost and will be happy

4 months ago

Why is he evil?

4 months ago

Well recognized.

4 months ago

Yeah, well, he’s financially successful, but just evil and maximally selfish, everyone has to know if he gets happy with it