Macht das Etikett irgendeinen Sinn?
Hallo, ich habe am Black Friday ein Portemonnaie bei Amazon bestellt.
Dort steht, lese ich jetzt, es sei aus echtem Lammleder.
Das Portemonnaie stinkt und es steht Made in China dran. Wenn ich bewusst und überlegt kaufe, vermeide ich Leder aus China, weil es mit Schwermetallen gegerbt sein kann.
Aber: Auf dem Etikett steht auch “Double synthetique”
Das widerspricht sich doch mit der Angabe, es sei echtes Leder, oder?
I am French and that makes sense
Yes that is called “lol” French style
It’s French
I don’t understand.
There is real lamb leather double synthetic
So you mean like the others, the synthetic refers to food?
It makes sense
Okay. Now I don’t know if you meant sarcastic. Or do you really think that makes sense?
with what else do you want to inherit leather? So outside China?
But I guess it’s just Alcantara, so a synthetic leather. Genuine and high quality lamb would be practically unpaid
Leather can also be used, for example, with urine, bird excrements and with vegetable substances.
But I don’t think bird excrements are healthy either.
Would Alcantara smell like that?
I’d be careful with the promises.
Could the “double” be the feedstock?
So wallet made of lamb leather, synthetic lining?
if the label refers to both
I think it’s more like… Well.
I wouldn’t buy a Far East leather. That was just a guess from me now.
Nope. It doesn’t bother me now, but a possible health risk.
Yeah, okay, I usually avoid real leather. That was exactly what I was looking for from the format and the compartments and the closure.
Have you ever entered a barber?
I’ve never met such a stink of artificial leather
But who knows how they are…
As far as I understand it is the outer leather, butter not
That’s it. By the way, leather always has a strong smell, which has nothing to do with China and heavy metal. Heavy metals can’t be smelled.