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No, I find myself good-looking and that’s why I don’t worry about what other people think in the group. I have to like it, and what others think I just don’t care… so I’m just thinking about it a little bit.
levi m/23
No, not at all. I usually go under big groups and that’s okay. I’d think if I were dressed in a group completely inappropriate or negative. Since this is not the case, no, I don’t think about my appearance – even in large groups.
More than I’m right. Unfortunately, last year I got a little belly (so everything is still within the frame) but of course the clothes don’t fit as before. I just want to get the 5-10kg down again, instead of naming few pants in a bigger size to buy 😂
It depends. Not on most days, but if my depression talks to me again, and my self-confidence hangs around somewhere in the negative, then it is.
Neither. Whenever I look at myself in the mirror, I think that’s okay you can wear it and that’s how I can go out or I don’t want to show myself.
It’s not as important as ten people stand before you.
No, not really.
No, absolutely not. Frisur evt wens is no appointments again xD
I don’t care if they think of me what they want.
No, I never see these beings in my life again, can I care?
I honestly don’t care. What are the other people doing to me? Or what do you think?
Actually 0, you can even see me
No more
in a large crowd actually least. I’ll go down there.