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2 years ago

It may also make it more cramped because you are constantly thinking about that you have noticed or smelled that you drank – and you could get caught up in the situation of a lecture.

2 years ago


A pastor tried something similar:

The new pastor has lamp fever before his first sermon.

He therefore asks the pharmacist what to do about it.

The pharmacist advises him to practice in front of a mirror and to calm down a schnapps, whenever he gets the trembling.

After the pastor had trembled 17 times, he bribes the pulpit. After the sermon, he leaves the pulpit with continued applause. He then asks the pharmacist what he thinks of his sermon. The pharmacist praises the pastor and declares that he had committed only eight mistakes.

Eva didn’t seduce Adam with the plum, but with the apple.

Kain didn’t shoot Abel with the MP, but killed him.

Jesus was not passed on the cross, but he was beaten to the cross.

It is not the warm-hearted Bernard, but the merciful Samaritan.

It does not mean “do not seek me in the underpass”, but “do not lead me into temptation”.

It also means not “the mute his thing”, but “the heaven be thankful”.

It is not called “Jesus, my cow does not eat”, but “Jesus, my confidence”.

At the end of the sermon it also means not “prost”, but “Amen”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ille1811

You saved my evening!

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

If the nervousness causes such problems, talk to your parents or your teachers about it. If it’s safe, you can also discuss it with your pediatrician.

Just please don’t grab a drink for that. This is a dangerous path.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Florialje

You’d better take the situation sober. In the future it will be easier without tools. It’ll be better every time.

2 years ago

And what do you do if you have to deliver in the right life? Baptize each time? It’s not a good idea.

Take stress, learn from it and practice such situations.

2 years ago

There’s not much happening. But I can tell you that if you keep a presentation really drunk. Was funny but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

2 years ago

Alcohol would only make it worse and let the presentation fail.

2 years ago

I’d drink one to two vodka.