Mache ich genug für meine 2 Kinder oder ist das schon übertrieben?
Meine Kinder sind 22 und 24 Jahre alt. Habe denen vor 6 Jahren jeweils 100.000€ geschenkt und spare seitdem jeden Monat 600€ pro Kind in einem Fondssparplan an. Das habe ich auch weiterhin vor solange ich mir das leisten kann.
It’s hard to say. If you think it’s about financially securing your children, then yes.
But I find other things more important.
What would be more important?
sense of life, good character, faith in God
Time with my parents, an open ear, support in certain stages of life, good advice.. that they are always there for me.
I’m happy as it is. I don’t need much money.
mri did a new camera for 2,000€ for my hobby for Christmas.
Travel the world! Recreational activities, a hobby. If I reach the retirement age and still live, I will fully cost my free time!
I’m already a pensioner and have 3,600€ of pensions every month. What do you want me to do with the money?
Then everything is good:)
Don’t forget to enjoy your life, too, and to take you for the pension.
Yes, of course!
But do they save something?
and related to your (adult) children?
You didn’t need a cent from the money until today, as I managed it through a power of attorney.
Then yes. But you didn’t teach them an important info. That hard work is worth and nothing comes from. Just giving you so much money does not help teach them how to deal with money.
It’s not about me!
and what is the sense of life they have?
They have this through our good education!
Of course we do.
You do more than enough. Many parents can hardly even reach their children financially under their arms, but if it works, it is optimal.
As long as your children handle money responsibly, this is a good thing if you can afford it at the same time.
You haven’t needed a cent of the money so far. I manage it through a power of attorney.
That sounds wonderful!
The question is: What are your opponents doing? Do they rely on the fact that somehow enough money will always come from parents and therefore do not care to become financially independent themselves? Or do they do that anyway, complete training or study properly, go to work, build up even something?
Basically, I would advise parents to give money to concrete projects / milestones if they are standing, not simply packing money to an account that the child can have free. So, for example, of course, to pay so much monthly maintenance that the child can concentrate for example on studying and does not necessarily have to work for living (for luxury like vacation, a larger apartment, a car or more than the necessary clothes on the other hand!). Or a grant to equity if the purchase of a property is due, but not the complete property. Or, if that should be the case at some point, for the grandchildren to finance the somewhat more costly hobby or to get a garrison of winter jackets and shoes if it is a bit narrow for the parents due to parental leave and thus lower income in the parental allowance.
Just so that the focus is always on the self-responsibility, self-responsibility and also financial independence of the children, and parents who can afford it are more likely to be the certain “security net” or really support the larger cost points in life financially. But not blind, aimless “shaking” – this rather prevents children from finding their own way and going…
You haven’t needed a cent of it yet. I manage it through a power of attorney.
Not only do I find it exaggerated, but I also feel it as a “environment” to ask this question here:
You should know exactly that the average citizen is not nearly able to afford that for his/her child – but that’s why we don’t love our children less and do everything possible within our framework – at least I and most others too!
Everyone as he can.
Yes, but what does it use – apparently must You’re driving around here because you’re boring – what’s your money helping you and your children… my son is here anyway and we’re having breakfast now – who cares about me… nice exciting day here!
Are you in need of care?
Of course, this is excessive but who can.
What do you want me to do with the money?
Since they should have both completed training so slowly, such a financial injection is not necessarily necessary.
But good if you have so much money to throw around.
Your children will probably be grateful once you have blessed the time.
You seem to be a good father.
I want to do that as long as I live and not until I’m dead.
Then, as happened 6 years ago, you should provide the money directly to the children and not posthumously!
“Given with warm hands” you will learn thanks to lifetimes and not possibly. only when “you are in the box modernly”.
It’s nice you can afford that, you do something for yourself?
Got enough money for me. Can’t spend it in life.
Then you can also do something for my son 😉👍
No! He even knauserte on his own holiday in Cyprus!
Sorry, the “Zwinker-Smiley” should show that this was meant as a little fun – but it’s nothing, then go to laugh in the cellar…
Parents are responsible for this and not strangers.