Macbook Pro 7.1 bleibt beim booten hängen?
Hallo ich habe mir Letztens ein Macbook Pro 13 Zoll aus dem Jahr 2010/2011 Gekauft dieses kam leider ohne betriebssystem nun konnte ich endlich ein betriebssystem installieren welches das Macbook auch zugelassen hat deshalb laufe ich nun auf MacOS 10.6.3 Von dieser Version komme ich aber leider auf keine andere ich habe auch schon probiert von apple die Software updates zumachen welche dazu führen das ich auf version 10.6.8 gehe von dort an Bootet er aber nicht mehr ich habe auch schon denn safe boot modus usw. probiert kann mir da bitte irgendwer helfen?
So sieht es aus nach dem Update
The last OS for your computer is 10.13.6 (High Sierra). Load this and install it once. However, with this MacBook you will no longer have great pleasure. Almost everything is no longer supported. This is already happening with the Chrome browser. Many applications and programs can no longer be executed. Don’t you know what you’re doing with that thing?
To create a bootable USB stick, you will find instructions here:
Planned was the Macbook as a beginner at Apple making me annoy my MDM Lock on my ipad and I wanted to remove it and that’s what I supposed to do with nem mac. Should serve as a notebook a bit of what to do in the internet but no longer then I try to boot High Sierra on the macbook tomorrow.
You will not have much fun with such an old device.
It may even be that websites do not open because Safari cannot load the appropriate certificates. I don’t know if other browsers run there. Current software hardly supports old devices.
And then all the vulnerabilities found in the meantime and closed in newer macOS versions.
My conclusion: wasted money and time.
I’m with you.
I don’t know how to use Apple devices, but I had a similar problem on windows so where it stopped booting, that was just because the operating system wasn’t properly installed on the USB so I had done it again and also made sure that the USB stick is bootable and then it worked.
Ok but I don’t boot from a usb stick but directly from the hard drive via the software update I can try it with nem usb you can recommend me ne software to start a boot partition for a mac?
you must definitely watch what the last supported softwer is in the case I think high sherra. and not any. and if you have it you can patch it up high on your wish softwer with: