MacBook Pro 2019 Wasserschaden?
Hi vier zwei tagen binnich mit meinem MacBook eingepennt doch leider ist eine Bier Flasche auf die Tastatur gekippt aus panik wo ich aufgewacht bin hab ich einmal versucht es an zu machen doch danach lieber trocknen lassen heute habe ich es angeschlossen und es Kahm der lade ton was natürlich mir Hoffnung gegeben hat deswegen habe ich es an einen Fernseher angeschlossen doch es ist nichts passiert jetzt hab ich in meine Laptop Tasche 500g siląca Kügelchen rein gekippt mit den MacBook was soll ich als nächstes machen und funktioniert es noch
First and foremost, NIE turn on such devices.
Any liquids such as water, coffee, cola, cleaning agents, vodka … have minerals that are the decisive point for conductivity, even if this is dried. I hear this from customers again and again and it is unfortunately a misbelief.
The minerals make the short circuits, signals are sent incorrectly and it forms corrosion on the components.
As already mentioned, this should always be professionally cleaned and tested.
A matching article would be summarized here: Wasserschaden-reparatur
It’s not a water damage, it’s a beer damage! Beer sticks like sour! From the Apple shop or certified dealers. There must be a professional. And it will definitely be expensive.
What kind of chicken?
I’d take the MacBook to a reperature store and look at it. Is it really a water damage the device is probably over forever.
Silica these are the balls the humidity often come in these small bags with electronics with
Oh, that, okay. Well, anyway, what I wrote up is true.
because we don’t know how much that went in: the device must be opened and inspected and beer sticks so beautiful… hui that makes Gaudi