macbook mit windows als zweiten bildschirm nutzen für windows?
Ich würde gerne meinen Alten MacBook Air aus 2017 mit Windows über BootCamp als 2. Bildschirm nutzen für meinen PC hat wer nh ahnung wie ich das machen könnte?
Ich würde ohne Kabel bevorzugen wenns ohne als auch mit geht dann her mit den Infos bitte.
You cannot use your MacBook as a monitor extension. There is no need to install Windows via BootCamp. Especially since it is questionable whether Windows 11 would run on it due to its hardware requirements.
With an iMac it would be something else again, as some models can be rebuilt so that they can easily be used as a monitor. On a MacBook (no matter whether Pro or Air), however, you can forget the bastries.
By installing and using Windows on both devices, you would have two different (separated) operating systems. What only comes into question would be a remote connection or e.g. remote control via SSH.
However, there are still two instances and the MacBook display cannot be used as a monitor extension as desired. That is exactly what the question was about. In this respect, therefore, no, because it is not possible.
Yes, also deleted the comment, stupid thought of me (still too early ^^)
You can connect iMacs to another Mac from about 2010 (I don’t know exactly) via Thunderbolt and use it as a second monitor. With a Macbook, it’s not possible.
I don’t know whether Windows is on the actual computer (so not the iMac). Could be a driver question.
But what you can try (on Intel Macs), is the installation of Windows on Mac (Bootcamp is not necessary, by the way, the drivers for Mac hardware can also be manually installed). There are various software solutions, how to connect an external Windows computer as a monitor via the network (i.e. not display port or so), as if it were connected locally to the actual computer. You don’t need an iMac, a Mac Mini or a Macbook to do it.
I experimented with it. But since I threw out my i386-iMac and now “only” have an iMac Mini M2, the subject has finished first.
In one word: remote desktop. There is no need for a Windows installation, other equipment and Microsoft itself to offer an app. It is not suitable but not as a monitor extension, as desired by the questioner.
It wouldn’t be like he was directly connected. In remote solutions there are smaller and larger latencies, which can be very disturbing. Especially for tasks where you expect a direct input without delay.
LG medmonk
There are actually software solutions that can be used as a monitor extension. The monitor of the other computer then actually appears in the display settings.
Spacedesk should be able to try: