Macbook gebraucht kaufen?

Ich würde mir gerne ein MacBook gebraucht kaufen,allerdings kenne ich mich 0 damit aus.

Lohnt es sich noch gebrauchte macbooks von 2017 zu kaufen?und was genau ist der Unterschied zwischen Pro und Air?

Hat jemand Tipps u. Kriterien auf die ich achten sollte bei dem Kauf?(bsp.Erscheinungsjahr,Speicher etc.)

lg danke im Voraus

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10 months ago


I would definitely not recommend buying a 2017 model.

With Macbook Air 2020, Apple introduced the M1, which was a completely new processor architecture.

From the moment without a joke, the power per watt has tripled and especially the battery life has become extremely much better.

If it should be a used one, then the “lowest” where I would board would be the M1 macbook Air from 2020.

10 months ago

There are online shops that give one to two years of cooking for used electronics. Also, you should pay with Paypal at these shops so that you can easily stalk the order without having to phone the dealer for weeks or even threaten with an ad.

Different price differences in Macbooks and notebooks are mainly due to the built-in graphics card. The processor and the built-in RAM are of course also important, but i.d.R. it lies on the graphics card

For example, here there are used Macbooks in different used states.

10 months ago

I’d make sure it’s already a device with Apple chip, that’s M1 or M2. That makes a huge difference to those before.

Otherwise, nothing is against buying that needed, Apple products are usually quite long-lasting.