Möchte mir ein IPad für die Schule zulegen, es handelt sich hierbei um das Pro 12.9 2022 mit dem M2 Chip in 256 GB, 20GB Flat & dem Magic Keyboard für 105€ im Monat Laufzeit beträgt 24 Monate. https://www.o2online.de/e-shop/apple/apple-ipad-pro-12-9-256gb-5g-6gen-spacegrau-details/?ohne-tarif=nein&zielgruppe=bestandskunden&ratenzahlung=24&vertragsart=ratenzahlung&render-schema=nein&tarif=o2-my-data-l-partnerkarte&mediacode=17611298588_142049111670_pla-967646743119_700000001688465_-&partnerId=O2_SEM_MFU_TEF_13113&type=SEM&utm_content=O2_SEM_MFU_TEF_13113&dscampaign=7.+Classic+Shopping+%3E+O2_SEM_MFU_TEF_13113&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAABQGs57bqBpCj828n9Uqp_yloYhpz&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoeGuBhCBARIsAGfKY7yzciib18muO6bRZlNLgwtAe5q3YtabAL8UhK2f97cHUmS173Whd2oaAhJ_EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Gutes Angebot oder nicht ?
It would of course be helpful to know exactly what you’ve tried. I suppose you deleted the internal hard drive partition in the recovery menu? If so, have you prepared a MacOS installation stick from which you can boot into the installation wizards? What MacBook do you have? (Next the model number with “AXXX” number)
More information please!
I suspect that most users here are only “WINDOWS” connoisseurs and therefore your question remains barely answerable.
Look for “MAC” forums that would be better placed.
Thank you all for having this problem. Fixed 💪
Then please be so nice and write your own answer with the error representation and how you fixed it so that others who can find it here afterwards. I’m glad you could fix the problem.
Sorry yes that’s true I forgot
İch then drove down when restarting Apel option and R taste kept then coming network settings you have to choose network when you did it you get into the hard drive service there you have to install the tab backup, OS and hard drive options etc. These are 3-4 options you can choose then you can install on this option that should be the second option and just follow the installation wizard later this will then be installed and once restart completely normal.