m2 ssd mit zwei kerben?
hallo, ich habe eine m2 ssd mit zwei kerben und ich frage mich ob die ssd auch in einen normalen m2 ssd slot passt (mit einer kerbe).
ich habe das B650E AORUS ELITE X AX ICE mit der KT-B900 M.2 ssd von Kimtigo.
hallo, ich habe eine m2 ssd mit zwei kerben und ich frage mich ob die ssd auch in einen normalen m2 ssd slot passt (mit einer kerbe).
ich habe das B650E AORUS ELITE X AX ICE mit der KT-B900 M.2 ssd von Kimtigo.
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An M.2 SSD with two notches is usually an M-key SSD, while an M.2 SSD with only one notch typically represents a B-key SSD. In your case, the M.2-SSD should fit into the M.2 slot of your B650E AORUS ELITE X AX ICE motherboards with two notches, provided the slot is designed for M-key SSDs. If the motherboard is only designed for B-key SSDs, there might be problems as the slot may not support the right connection for your SSD. It is also important to ensure that the physical size of the SSD, such as 2280 or 2230, is compatible with the available M.2 slot. It is recommended to check the technical specifications of your motherboard to ensure that the corresponding slot supports the use of an M-key SSD. If everything matches, you should be able to install the SSD easily. LG
Hope you can help.
I have been looking for but I have found nix
Two notches means your SSD B+M has. B+M SSD can be connected either with 2 lanes via PCI-E or via SATA.
Your motherboard has three M2 ports whose specification you find here.
The SSD should fit into any slot, but if the SSD is connected via SATA, the M2C_SB will probably only fit.