M2.0 ssd wird nicht erkannt?
Ich habe mir eine crucial PCIe 3.0 NVMe M.2 SSD gekauft und in meinem Computer angesteckt es wird nicht erkannt ich habe mir unzählige Videos angeschaut und Nix hat geklappt ich war auch im BIOS drinnen und dort wurde es auch nicht erkannt hat jemand eine Lösung für mich wie ich es schaffe das das System die ssd erkennt
If your Crucial PCIe 3.0 NVMe M.2 SSD is not detected, make sure your motherboard supports the NVMe standard in the right M.2 slot. Not all M.2 ports are suitable for NVMe. Check your motherboards’ manual.
In the BIOS you have to SATA mode on AHCI ensure that the NVMe mode is activated. Sometimes the SSD is not detected when the wrong mode is set.
If that doesn’t help, try from one Windows installation medium to boot. There you can see if the SSD is detected and whether the NVMe driver is missing. In this case, you need to manually load the correct driver.
If it continues to work, either the SSD or the M.2 slot could be defective and you should consider an exchange. More info: [Deleted] M2 SSD is not detected or displayed | 7 practicable methods
I’ve read the board’s instructions a little bit.
Then I would add a new motherboard which you could recommend where the ssd fits in and with an 1151 base
What’s your CPU?
Is the line still gonna fit you? The 6700k has already come quite beautifully into the years and M.2 was still quite at the beginning. ICh wouldn’t guarantee that a new M.2 works clean. On many boards there is not even the M.2 connection.
If you want to keep the CPU I would look at ebay small ads for what cheap
An i7 6700k
Hi, look at my last question. Having asked the same question with the same ssd and getting some good answers, however, I am not quite conclusive as I should go along with it.
You should activate something in the bios and update it before, but don’t know exactly how. One said bios update with nem usb stick but the bios didn’t even go on what’s going on.
Vllt. you become smarter from this
hi, did this work with your SSD?
so to be honest I don’t dare to play around because I don’t have the expert 😅 later iwas goes wrong in bios or windows and then my mainboard is going or anything else…
Yes, then everything starts as before.
Okay, that’s right.
This would be my guess, but it refers to the lower one and not the upper one.
Quote from the guide:
* M2_2, and SATA3_3 use Lanes together. If one of
the other one is deactivated.
If you take the M.2 out, everything will work normal again?
ryzen 5 2600x sixcore
ok, in this case it actually plays the CPU a role.
Which one do you have?
AsRock AB350M Pro R2.0
It’s hard to do that, but it might have a guess.
which motherboard do you have?