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If it is not recognized, check first whether it is right in the slot. Make sure that the SATA mode is enabled in BIOS to AHCI and PCIe mode. If it is still not recognized, a firmware update might be necessary for the motherboard. If the SSD is visible in the BIOS, but not in Windows, open the disk management and check if it is displayed there. In this case, you may need to initialize or format it. Make sure the right NVMe drivers are installed. If they are still not recognized, test the SSD in another slot or check for a possible defect. More info: [Deleted] M2 SSD is not detected or displayed | 7 practicable methods
If yours Samsung SSD980 is not recognized, there are some important points that you can check to limit the problem. The imaged Samsung SSD980 is a NVMe SSD, which means that it is only in a corresponding M.2 Slot for PCIe works. There are also M.2-SATA SSDs that need another connection. If your motherboard only supports M.2-SATA, the SSD980 will not work there.
Here are a few steps that can help you with the diagnosis:
If the SSD is still not recognized despite these steps, it could be a defect. I assume that a data recovery will not yet be necessary during a new purchase, but rather an RMA at the manufacturer or Dealer.
Do you want to install Windows on it or have you installed it as an additional SSD in an existing system?
If the second – have you already looked in the media administration?
Some information would be helpful to answer such a question in a targeted way
Moin’s new.
Only this
So you have a new PC in which you have installed this SSD and want to install Grade Windows on it, have your Windows Installations stick stuck in your PC and you won’t see any SSD on which you could install your Windows, right as far as ?
You need to add it to Disk Management