M.2 Festplatte für PC, mit oder ohne Kühlkörper?
ich möchte in meinen PC eine M.2 Solite State Festplatte einbauen. Mainboard ist ein MSI B450m Pro-Vdh Max, welches auch einen M.2 Slot hat, aber dieser sitzt genau unterhalt der Grafikkarte (GeForce RTX3060).
Jetzt ist eben die Frage, ob ich eine M.2 mit oder ohne Kühlkörper (Heatsink) nehmen soll.
Habe die Befürchtung, dass der Kühlkörper dann der Grafikkarte im Weg ist.
Was meint ihr?
LG 🙂
Of course, it makes sense to buy an SSD with heat sink, but the slower the PCI-E version is the cooler the SSD is itself.
Say that your motherboard eh only max PCI-E 3.0 subduces it if you get an M2 SSD for PCI-E 3.0 and if it comes without a heat sink, this is not a leg break.
I’d like to see this one. https://geizhals.de/samsung-ssd-970-evo-plus-1tb-mz-v7s1t0bw-a1972735.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
Otherwise you still have a few mm space to the graphics card, but so small heat sinks do not bring anything.
It’s recommended.
Got my PC on passive cooling. If there is no airflow, it will be warm with heat sinks.
But does the graphics card fit in again? With heat sink, the M.2 store is slightly higher, right?
Is the M.2 slot above the map?
The M.2 slot is virtually under the graphics card at the level of the fans.
This should not usually be a problem. Air Flow is given. However, check with the Crystaldiskinfo program for safety whether the temperature during the SSD utilisation is not too high.
With a generation of 4 M.2 SSD, the point is whether your motherboard supports this generation.
If you take a generation 3 (which is realistically enough), you will be installed in most cases without heat sinks
Hello, I think if I get a newer motherboard someday, I’m glad I got the faster M.2. Now I am totally insecure;)
See that there is almost no gene. 3 more. 4 and the same price…