Lymphknotenschwellung unter der rechten achsel?
Hallo ich bin heiße Sandra und bin 42 Jahre. Ich hatte vor 2 Monaten eine mammographie ohne befund. Muss ich jetzt Angst haben das ich doch brustkrebs habe, weil ich einen lymphknoten unter der achsel ertasten kann. Und nein Hausarzt meinte ich soll jetzt eine Entnahme machen lassen das, da er lymphdrüsen krebs ausschließen kann.
Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit can also have other causes.
I had breast cancer. In the case of a control ultrasound, an enlarged, slightly altered lymph node has been found in the armpit. The biopsy hasn’t found anything.
In a further investigation, it has been found that the lymph node has regenerated and looks healthy again, normal.
Yeah, you should do that. The sooner a clear finding takes place, the sooner things can be done or the sooner you have a warning. Your doctor’s opinion cannot be doubted here, by strangers. Please accept his recommendation. All right.
I’m just saying that I could have breast cancer now, although it was excluded 2 months ago by mammography and ultrasounds
That’s what a doctor can find out and tell you. We can’t do this by remote diagnosis. Any speculation would be fatal, no matter what direction.