Lymphknoten angeschwollen?
vor 3 Wochen habe ich an meinem Hals einen Lymphknoten gespürt, der angeschwollen ist und bislang nicht weggeht. Eben habe ich nochmal intensiver getastet und habe gemerkt, dass ich jetzt 5 Lymphknoten spüre. Was kann das sein?
Good evening,
In the case of lymph node swelling, these questions are fundamentally important:
Is the node displaceable?
How big is the node?
Is it about several lymph node swellings?
Is the knot painful in contact?
Do you feel cravings, nightly sweating or inexplicable fever?
Did you have a cold in the last 4-5 weeks?
Most lymph node swellings are benign (good) instead of malignant (bad). Basically, I always recommend that you go quickly to the Doc and not think long.
We always say “Desto faster to Doc=Desto better”
Thanks for the detailed statement.
As far as I notice, the nodes move and have a diameter of 1cm. I’ve felt swelling now six and they’re all painless. At night I was sweating from time to time, but I had no cold in the last time or was sick. Besides, I get headaches as soon as I lie. I’ve only noticed that with the knots ever since.
Good morning,
Then I recommend letting the nodes check.
Steptococci would be possible. I’ve only recently. They’re just going around. Go to the family doctor.