Lugana Ca dei Frati Gut?
Hey Weinliebhaber,
bin 19 und beginne seit dem letzten Cardiologen Gespräch mit meinem Dad jeden Abend ein Glas Wein zu trinken. Mein Dad ist eher der Primitivo während ich nach langem kosten Lugana Fan bin. Sind die Weine eurer Meinung nach auch Gesund? Also speziell der Lugana gemeint? Habe es nicht Geschafft den Cardiologen zu erreichen, deswegen frage ich hier.
Mein Dad hat nämlich Herzprobleme, wie auch teilweise ich, weswegen wir uns jetzt so damit auseinandersetzen 🙂
Danke im Voraus!
Your question can’t be answered with the last certainty.
What your question is whether the enjoyment of wine can be healthy. We are primarily involved in red wines and Resveratrol.
Grape juice contains almost no resveratrol.
In wine, resveratrol is found in the highest concentrations in red wine. Also here there are great differences, depending on the variety of grapes and period of maize.
Why is there so much more resveratrol in red wine?
Grape juice is pressed and filled.
Resveratrol is however primarily in shells, also in the cores and stems. Resveratrol is also barely water-soluble, but readily soluble in alcohol.
In the production of red wine, the juice remains in contact with the dishes for a long time. Here the substances are dissolved from the shells, not only resveratrol.
Resveratrol (mg per 100 ml or g)
Average and range
Source: Phenol Explorer
The best results, with the highest resveratrol values, achieve flat-rate, the well-known heavy red wines.
It is a complex but also controversial subject, even among doctors.
There are many people who have opened a regular rush against every drop of alcohol. At the latest, according to the last report of the DGE (German Society for Nutrition), regular hate tirades are absent and are called upon to the insane report of the DGE.
It is a pity that the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) obviously has no employees who can write a serious report.
Already when read in, incorrect formulations are obtained. Such reports cannot be taken seriously.
“A single glass of beer or wine is produced in combination with a certain degree of mortality as the “French Paradox”. Source: DGE
The “French paradox” does not describe a somewhat lower mortality, but a considerably lower.
The French paradox refers to a lower incidence in mortality due to cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks in France, compared to other countries, although the average diet contains comparatively much saturated fatty acids and alcohol. Source: Wikipedia
Studies show that in all European countries there is a virtually linear correlation between the absorption of animal fats and coronary mortality, and only France and less clearly, Switzerland also made an exception.
In the French capital and its surroundings, 100,000 inhabitants die only about 104 on a cardiovascular runner. This is much less than that of European average of nearly 240 deaths per 100,000 people.
However, a glass of wine or beer, contrary to what the German Society wants to make credible for nutrition, has never been automatically associated with the “French paradox”, but it was merely considered not harmful.
Only by the way… the French paradox has never been doubted. Statistics are clear and difficult to doubt.
With the kind of reporting, the German Society for Nutrition, the report constructs a context that does not exist in real terms. It is the typical mash if you want to twist something so far that there was no one in reality. Otherwise, the facts would be left as they are, if everything suddenly became so clear… why then spread disinformation. Even though a lot of nonsense has been written here in part, the vast majority of people are not and foolishly understand very quickly that there is obviously to be spread with a little barely stressful mood. At least it has a very strong appearance…
The following explanations where and in what concentration we encounter alcohol almost daily. This cannot be put into any context with the recommendation of the DGE. Then people would have to dispense with fruit and vegetables.
That any alcohol abuse is very harmful, it is not necessary to discuss it. But what is once more tried here, well… it will already meet the one or the other who believes it.
Alcoholic beverages are primarily consumables and not intended for coma baptism.
Abuse is always harmful. These are foreseeable alienations of means of consumption.
So why do people drink food? Because they taste.
In most mature fruit and vegetables, alcohol is included. In mature strawberries or pineapple are easily approx. 5% alcohol, also more. Whoever tells alcohol is basically harmful, should deal with the scientific opinion that a balanced diet is still the healthiest. These include fruit and vegetables, of course.
One example: Food with alcohol from fermentation processes:
Source: Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL)
As is known, fruit juice beverages are drunk in amounts not insignificant, preferably by toddlers. Naturally, fruit juice drinks usually contain alcohol, orange juice, apple juice & Co approx. 0.5%, with the grape juice recommended by you it is quite 1%. It’s not inconspicuous for infants.
Up to 2.4% of alcohol were found in juices from the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety.
I do not know any serious studies that warn against fruit and vegetables due to alcohol.
Even in pizza alcohol is included…
As you can read, alcohol affects everyone and every day, not only those who occasionally enjoy a glass of wine.
You should always distinguish between enjoyment and abuse.
Conclusion: If at all Resveratrol to be used, then via red wine. Basically, it can be held, any abuse is harmful to health and daily alcohol consumption can build up dependencies. From time to time a glass of wine should not be harmful to any healthy person who may drink it by law.
Happy You… and stay healthy
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
Change the cardiologist, fast! Also among doctors and especially among cardiologists should be generally known that the alcohol is not good for the heart, even not the glass of wine. And if you have to have conversations with the cardiologist, I would advise you about daily consumption of alcohol.
Here’s a link
Excerpt from the link
Oh, sounds interesting thanks to you! I’ll read it more precisely through 🙂