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1 year ago

One Piece

A baggage. Internationally usual.

According to USA there was the Piece concept with 2x 32 kg for everyone.

1 year ago
Reply to  SeniorSteward

Oh, that’s been a long time ago.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nickes19

It was like that in 2009. Today you can be happy to take 1×23 instead of 1×20 kg

1 year ago

Yeah, sure, because people are tired of hoking home to Corona and finally wanting to go out is good too. If the prices increase the wages but not often in the same amount many will have to save. The crude oil prices have fallen again but not the ticket prices. And it may be that there were extremely cheap prices on certain airlines, I never profited aBer. But the ticketing trip on normal Ailines was already athletic and today I can think about where the money is missing.

The fact that you as an airlini worker and also with your luxury gwhakt that pays from the Portokasse is clear to me, but aucj your job depends on the fact that people can still afford to fly when the After Corona Hype is over.

And by the way, I didn’t write that no one can afford flights anymore, but many can’t. Of course, your top grade doesn’t count as you can talk easily.

And as an airline employee to justify prices because as you say it is extremely harmless to the world, I also think it is a little daring if not even job-threatening.

1 year ago

I often fly. Every day I work for the airline. If you say that no one can afford flights, how can it be that the planes are full until the attack? How can it be that LH works nue at 80% capacity of 2019, because the airport’s land services do not find enough staff due to lack of personnel, but we (hoppla…) could settle on the market 120% of the level of 2019. Last week there was a new record golbal. Never before in the history of aviation were so many aircraft at the same time n the air!

The prices were “normal” by “spottbillig”. There’s nothing extremely expensive. It was time for people to remember that an extremely polluting journey across continents has its price. And I get tickets to the ID discount because I work for the airline. But I often book as a full-payer. You will have to get used to the fact that things, from good food to safe and professional flight, get their FAIREN price again.

Greetings from the Layover in Copenhagen. Tomorrow morning goes to Frankfurt, then to Athens and back, then evening. My job’s about 8,000 monthly. That’s why I can “strip” it. Cheerio.

PS: all three flights tomorrow are full to the stop.

1 year ago

no idea when you flew the last time, but the prices are so exorbitant that many cannot afford to fly on holiday

1 year ago

Geiz’s unhappy. They always want it cheaper and who wants it cheap, he’s flying completely without a task baggage. If you want to, you have to pay a little more. Who wants cheap, gets cheap.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Yes, in Business Class there are 2×32. But normal in economy is 1×23 kg, but also only if you book the more expensive fare with luggage.

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  xxxsomeone123

Baggage to be delivered. Then there is also 1PC23, or 2PC32… 23 kg.

1 year ago
Reply to  xxxsomeone123

that’s in it. read it completely from top to bottom.