Luftgewehr gekauft, Spannt nicht beim repetieren?
Ich hab mir ein pcp Luftgewehr bestellt, heute angekommen gleich ausgepackt und geschossen.
Nach etwa 15 Schuss konnte ich es wie schon in der Überschrift erwähnt nicht mehr durchs repetieren spannen. Der Bolt schnappt einfach wieder nach vorne.
Habt ihr Ideen wie ich das beheben kann?
I would complain before I walk around on a new device that doesn’t work properly.
Except I know completely exactly what I do, what it needs to be, and how to fix it.
Since there is no part in Germany, there would be a WBK necessary, 38 Joule…
Smells for crime.
Oh, OK.
Didn’t see the type name and research the part.
Let’s ask for…
I didn’t answer last night because I already slept there…
Exactly – 18:06 still awake, 19:28 already in bed.
There are also people who have something better to do than to watch every 5 minutes if they have received an answer to GF.
Got me and get out with it, the guy doesn’t answer, GF is informed..
The most skilled and closest would be to contact the seller and to complain to the rifle.
Otherwise, what should probably not be the same with the catch mechanism for the compression piston.