Wie kann ich meine Eltern davon überzeugen das ich mir ein Luftgewehr kaufen darf ist ja sogar schon mit ein 7,5 Joule ab 18 und ab 12 Jahren mit Begleitung erlaubt sie finden es nicht so schlimm aber auch nicht besonders gut wenn ich bei meiner Oma und Opa schieße würden sie es ok finden nur meine Oma hat was dagegen weil sie Waffen so doll hasst würde mich gerne über viele Tipps von euch freuen um meine Oma zu überzeugen bei ihr schießen zu dürfen
In (almost) every village or in as good as any city, there is a shelter club, often with its own youth department.
Ask Aunt Google where you’re next, check out when training times are, go there, look at everything.
If you like it, register there, train there, meet new friends.
You tell your grandma that you are a member of a shooting club, want to achieve sporting success as soon as possible and therefore want to set up a kind of “training camp” with her….
As long as you’re not 18, you can officially shoot only in an approved shooting site, with permission of your parents and under qualified supervision.
Go to a shooter’s club where, as you yourself said, you can legally shoot compressed air weapons from 12 onwards.
The arguments for a violation of the Weapons Act do not really fall within my ^^. If your parents or grandparents would allow you to access this, it would be illegal to leave a weapon to unauthorized persons, which may cost up to 10,000€.
If you are full-year, you can buy it yourself and if you are minor, you may not have any handling with it except on an approved shooting range under supervision.
Are you in a club? Then I could give you some arguments.