Luftgetrockneter Ton in Berührung mit Feuer/Hitze?
Kann luftgetrockner Ton in Berührung mit Feuer kommen oder geht er dann kaputt wegen Hitze? Die rede ist von Ton, der lufttrocknend ist, den man aber auch über 1000grad brennen kann. Geht er dann kaputt wenn man ihn lufttrocknet und er dann mit Hitze vom Feuer in nahe berührung kommt oder bleibt er ganz?
Tone must always dry completely before burning.
If it is completely dry, it can be fired at the heat specified. The specified temperature should not be exceeded.
How hot can a flame become?
The hottest flame has a temperature of about 6000 degrees Celsius. It is produced by burning the molecules dicyanoethine and ozone under high pressure in an experiment. For comparison: A candle flame reaches up to 1400 degrees Celsius at its hottest point. Brilliant thing!
Five things about fire you didn’t know yet – GEO
Warning: If you accidentally burn tone or glaze with a maximum firing temperature of, for example, 1040°C to high (e.g. to 1240°C), the mass becomes liquid during the fire like lava and destroys the furnace.
TÖPFERN Guide – Michel Ceramic Need
On the one hand, it depends on how dry the sound is before the heat is “lost”. On the other hand, it also depends on how fast the heat comes. In addition, the mass must also carry the applied heat without sintering together.
The tone should be well dried in the air before being heated. Better dry a little longer than too short.
When burning ceramics, a certain focal curve should be maintained which depends on the material, residual moisture and shape and processing. First, it is necessary to heat slowly to about 100° C. to evaporate liquid water. The mixture is then gradually raised to about 300-500° C. to extract the water adsorbed on the clay minerals. Above this temperature, up to approx. The actual firing takes place at 800-900° C., the clay minerals, with elimination of water, chemically growing together. Even higher heat can result in sintering processes, which first leave the scissors denser and later leave them soft. This sintering depends heavily on the composition of the clay (the ceramic mass). At the end of the firing process, cooling takes place, avoiding stresses in the material and waiting with Gedud.
If one shocks points with a hot flame, one can fly the first splinters around the ohnes, while the rest has not yet been able to get that the hell is going on elsewhere.