Luftfilter muss zum Auspuffanlage passen?
Hatte heute einen im Geschäft, der seine Aga wieder auf serie umbauen ließ. Auf Nachfrage hieß es, dass diese in Kombination mit dem Luftfilter nicht zulässig wäre (war wohl in einer Kontrolle und wurde stillgelegt)
Aber kann sowas wirklich sein?
Laut dem Kunde:
TÜV hat er so bekommen, beide Teile haben eine ABE die nicht speziell die Abhängigkeit voneinander unterschreibt. Lautstärkemessung und AU war ebenfalls gut bzw sogar besser als vorher.
Kann mir so etwas irgendwie vorstellen aber nicht wirklich erklären.
Weiß da jemand was genaues?
Of course. Both the air filter and the exhaust have an opinion. It is precisely defined where the parts may be used.
The vehicle is in this opinion. This vehicle guarantees that the volume does not change. And this is now only the vehicle in the standard state, not with any other modifications that can also affect the volume. The manufacturer has never tested whether the volume is still within the scope of any sport air filter or other accessories.
If both are to be used together, an expert opinion from the TÜV, which confirms that this special combination has been tested and is permissible.
I know, but as I know, it must be in the ABE that this is only permissible with other serial parts. This is not the case according to the customer :/
Otherwise, I would also have said that it doesn’t fit, because it always starts from the serial state
I’ve heard so rarely. something is normal in the abe if it may not be used with any sharing. sry when I say this, but what sometimes stands for spinners on the street and the clings swing to tell a what about freely invented mängel. I want them to prove that something is wrong.
Yeah, that some blue funny stuff I know. But that’s really new to me, and I can’t even rule it out 100% that it’s right… even if it sounds weird.
someone wanted to tell me that polini’s blue blinker cheeses are violating StVZO because blinker orange must be. made the flasher and asked if the orange was enough. he got grumpy. the glasses have even had a test number and everything. has simply not fit him ^_^.
This is enough to take a look at the report.
Is there “vehicle XY” or “vehicle XY with changed air filter”?
The report states where the exhaust can be used, that is sufficient. And this is now the vehicle mentioned there, not any special modifications that deviate from the vehicle mentioned.
I wanted to stop the car because there were still traces of grinding in the rough house. But that the tracks come from the race track and I’m driving another bike in other dimensions didn’t matter. But that may be older than 10 minutes some do not know
That’s right. Previously, this was not a problem – air filter and ne nice bastuk plant… there got out of nem 6 cylinders nen really nice sound. then iwann was forbidden to rebuild this together.
but unfortunately I can never imagine more…
Finally, this can only be a test engineer because we have neither the car nor the papers here and are expert laymen.
The cap stands often complain about something they don’t know because they just don’t stand in matter – and if they find them even in total rebuilds they pretend they didn’t catch one.
Authoritarian – und ahnungslos….