LPIC-1 Certificate Where can I get it?

Hello folks,

After the Cisco CCNA I would like to do the Linux LPIC-1 or possibly LPIC-2.
I am very interested in Linux, have been working with it for 5 years, and appreciate the confidentiality and availability of the system.
Therefore, I would like to get certified in Linux so that I will have better chances on the job market later as a technician/bachelor.

However, I don't know how to prepare for the exam here. Cisco offers evening classes you can attend. However, I haven't seen any schools here that offer them. And I don't know if Udemy is a good option.

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1 year ago

Für Lpic 1 gibt es Bücher und beispielfragen. Das reicht in der Regel aus. Alternativ gibt es noch das linuxhotel und Berlin.