Lötzinn SN60PB40 Quelle?
Vorneweg: Ja mir ist bewusst, dass bleifreies Lot gesünder ist. Ich habe jedoch eine professionelle Absauganlage mit Filter (kein noname china mist von amazon).
Ich hab meine Lötstellen nunmal lieber glänzend. Jedoch scheint man nirgendswo mehr sn60pb40 zu bekommen. Hat jmd noch einen Geheimtipp?
I guess it’s only on ebay and the like.
Or when an electric workshop closes and the interior is compacted.
I am also still happy owner of a powerful 1kg coil 0.5mm soldering wire Sn60PbCu2 with flux core. It fell off the ramp sometime more than 30 years ago. But share – sorry – I won’t get them as long as I can solder.
There’s something like that today.
However, when soldering with lead, I’m not about the “gloss soldering point”, but about bringing the soldering tin to flow before the heated soldering points and wires are already roasted. Lead-free is the last thing in solder tins.
I had shot a used ms60c there were still 6 full 1kg rolling. have been providing me well for years and now I find out how difficult it is to get back. Too bad.
Soldering tin with lead solders so much better, I am also glad to have remaining stocks. Vielleich in a non-EU country?
only as DREIKANTStange here http://www.schrottmax.com/dresden-s44h14-Loetzinn-Solderzinn.html
I’m afraid I’m not doing anything.
here there is also 1mm https://www.idealo.de/price comparison/list/118402338/loetzinn-sn60pb40-1mm.html