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2 years ago

I own original CDs that are already 25 years old and they have not dissolved. As a child, I had treated them quite badly and still they still work. I’ve been watching this on fired CDs.

2 years ago

Yes, in principle. At some point, this reflective surface dissolves more or less and yellows. With high-quality CDs this happens less quickly than with self-fired and cheap rather than with expensive, at least generally so. If you can keep CDs in the hot car, for example, more frequently, in this case, more likely music CDs, such a process is also accelerated.

2 years ago

20 years ago, it was said that CDs will not last long because the mirrored layer detaches. It was rumored that many CDs would soon no longer be readable. I have not had a single one in which this would be so, provided that the CDs are stored in a way protected by light. I’ve put a burned and a pressed CD in the sun. The burnt was no longer legible after a few days, the pressed after a few weeks. UV radiation kills CDs.

2 years ago
Reply to  spelman

Look at one – again what learned

2 years ago

Yes, even original CD’s can dissolve. Certainly, this also applies to games, but then older copies are more affected than “then” one has worked with other paints.

I have zb music CD’s from the 80s, originals, in which the layer of the top dissolves, which leads to them becoming unreadable. You can see this when you hold them against the light and small transparent gaps are recognizable. For this reason, I only buy music on records or listen to it directly digitally, which usually does not sound as extensive as the analog version.

Edit: CD’s never put up with the label somewhere.. rather with the silver bottom, if at all the top is much more susceptible to damage.

2 years ago

Experience has shown that things last quite long. The problem is that you can’t predict when they don’t work anymore. She has no eternal life. The same thing would have to be with DVDs.

Heat and cold fluctuations are a problem. Of course, unpredictable work with it.

2 years ago

With good storage, CDs can last many years, have CDs I fried 20 years ago and they can be used today

2 years ago

Yeah, but it takes 500 years.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jensen1970


2 years ago

If the original, pressed CDs are, then probably hold 50 years and longer. There’s nothing going on.

2 years ago
Reply to  ZaoDaDong

Very possible, but I wouldn’t swear.

The question is whether the PS2 lasts so long.

2 years ago
Reply to  ZaoDaDong

I have original Beatles CD’s that begin to dissolve despite proper storage. are about 37 years old.

2 years ago

I hope you’re right. Got one too.