Lose Zahnspange pass problem?

Hey Leute,

Ich hab seit Montag eine lose Zahnspange soll die einmal pro Woche verstellen. Dienstag, Mittwoch und Donnerstag leichte Schmerzen und Druck gefühl gehabt. Freitag war alles gut und heute bekomme ich beim tragen hin und wieder das würgen. Meine Frage wäre ob ich statt Montag heute schon drehen soll? Oder geht es auch das ich öfters die Woche drehe?

Überlege auch ob ich nächste Woche noch mal zum Kieferorthopäde gehe.

Bedanke mich jetzt schon herrlich für eure Antworten:)

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3 months ago

Hello callmejuu,

it’s about what you got now.

If you’ve got them new, it takes a few days to get used to each other. You have to come to the point that the brace is no longer perceived as a foreign body, but simply belongs to it.

To do this, you should wear them as long as possible, even during the day when you are distracted. Serials or Zocken should help 😉

Sometimes it also makes sense to start with a wearing time of a few hours and then to increase that.

You really should just hire the chip once a week. And then also wear for a longer time so that everything gets used to the new position. The pressure should disappear after a short time.

Good luck!


3 months ago

This is completely normal that you feel a slight pressure on your jaw after turning on the extension screw. This means that the brace pushes your jaw apart and when you turn on the screw, a little more and more pressure is exerted. It is best to wear it after turning as long as possible, then the pressure should become less after some time. You better distract yourself. Wear them during the day. Then, at some point, it’s less disturbing and you get used to that. I wouldn’t say if you were going to shoot today or Monday. It doesn’t happen for the two days. But I don’t know if you can turn on the screw twice a week. Ask your pine orthopedists and go to him if your complaints don’t get better.