Lose Zahnspange nach der festen Zahnspange passt nicht mehr?
ich habe meine feste Zahnspange rausbekommen und seit ein paar Wochen eine lose Zahnspange & ein Retainer an den Zähnen. Die lose Spange passt oben nicht mehr. Ist das jetzt schlimm ? Was sind die Folgen ?
Hello hdfghjdhfgd,
well, the result achieved with the brace has changed again. The teeth migrate back into their initial position. Your result is not stable and you haven’t worn the tanker chip long or often enough.
Confess your pine orthopedic, maybe he can grind them and save what is to be saved. Otherwise, a new one has to be manufactured in order to at least keep the result now present. You pay for this, costs from €250. Or the orthodontic orthopaedic breaks off the treatment, as you can’t go along and he can’t confirm a successful treatment.
Good luck!
Well, that means you probably didn’t wear the chip every night, did you?
Go to the dentist, after all, the correction costs a bar of money!
he can’t do anything about it if she doesn’t wear the container
He can’t do anything for that, but he can make the rail fit again.
Yes, however, he has to make a new one and the patient has to pay again, and they have already moved their teeth