In der Lorbeerhecke (1 1/2 Meter hoch) ist eine Staude durch Gespinnsmotten und Tockenheitsschäden eingegangen .
Wer kann mir einen Ratschlag geben wie ich diese Staude bestenfalls ersetzte ,ohne die benachbarten Pflanzen und Wurzeln zu sehr in Mitleidenschaft zu ziehen ?
I’d put in an evergreen shining marrow.
This is more contemporary than laurels.
The blossom is an insect pasture and the plant better transmits climate change than the past hedge plants.
Thank you, nice tip would be worth considering and good alternative, but can I just use the spade in the rooted bales and lever them out or how would you best do that?
Is Lorbeer a flat-wool or deep-wool?
A few roots you’ll have to cut off the old hedge. It doesn’t hurt.
If you can buy the shiny marrow as a pot, the planting hole will only have to be so large that the pot bale fits loosely.
Thank you for the extensive help, will give my best 🍀 … and how to budge around a wolf mouse!!!