Lokale Webseite im Internet freigeben?

Hallo zusammen,

habe mir eine lokale Webseite erstellt, die ich ins Internet freigeben möchte.

Mit Xampp.

jetzt kommt folgende Fehlermeldung

klaus1.ipv64.net haben die Verbindung verweigert.

ob ipv64, oder spdyn, es kommen immer die selben Fehler.

Habe die Seite mit Joomla erstellt.

Mein alter Rechner ist mit abgeschmiert, habe jetzt einen Win 11 Rechner.

Alles genau so installiert wie beim alten. Lokal läuft alles.


Hat jemand eine Iddee



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1 month ago

According to the error message, references to the old website are still present in the code.

Try a broke link tool. Evtl. there are results.

1 month ago

wrong x-frame options on http://rallyobedience-hameln.de/

1 month ago

Theoretically, it would be possible to place web pages running with XAMPP, but it is strongly advised. Security risks are one, in particular the residual architecture of the computer used. Germany has the cheapest hosting offers in international comparison despite the best prices for energy.

I would separate this or at least bring a dummy calculator to the net for daring test tests, which can be reassembled without welding outbreaks.

Problems will also make the IP address change if you have no static address. Without dynamic DNA (also costs) the page is usually not found from the outside if a domain name is to be used for page call.

1 month ago

With xampp rather hard, I would recommend you Linux (with Ubuntu) to put your PC as VPS.

chatgpt could help you step by step how you can do it.

1 month ago

Can you even run a server with your internet account, which is then accessible from the internet? Is your address entered in the name server? Does the call work if you only enter the IP address into the address field?

1 month ago
Reply to  peterdachser

Okay, that’s all right. If I want to access the website, I get an error message whose explanation I add here as a link:


Maybe it helps with troubleshooting.