Loht sich eine KTM Freeride E-SM?
Hallo, Ich bin am überlegen mir eine KTM Freeride E-SM anzuschaffen. Jedoch weiß ich nicht ob es sich lohnt sie zu besorgen da ich nicht weiß ob die reichweite für einen Tag in der Stadt rumcruisen reicht Danke im Vorraus
This is not built for the city or for the mobile.
This is actually being transporised on a trailer to an off-road terrain and then simply driving to the fun.
Problem is the battery, despite all promises keep the just 3-5 years, after is the scrap and very expensive pleasure to buy a replacement battery. There is no free market.
There is an alternative with so much driving fun and up to 15 hp
Yamaha WR 125, Kawasaki KLX 125 or what from BETA
with the sm can certainly drive on the road there is no problem. only rich and after a few years of battery are problems.
It is expensive, slow and has very little range.
This is actually nonsense for road traffic, like almost all electric vehicles.
Ideal is the part for rental companies with closed distance, e.g. halls Supermoto. Or Crosstrecken. The concept fits perfectly.