Lohnt sich Online Check-In?
Meine Schwester fliegt in den Urlaub und hat die Möglichkeit einen Online-Check in zu machen. Weder sie noch ich haben das jemals über einen Online-Check in gemacht.
Ist das besser, als normal?
Muss man das Gepäck am Tag davor dann schon zum Flughafen bringen?
in principle is practical. you check in, you can also look for some airlines and have the ticket on the handy. grad if you only have to travel with hand luggage later not to the switch but you can go directly to safety control.
when you travel with task baggage it is sometimes more practical because there are only some airports switches for picking up (this is faster). some even have machines where you can give up your baggage (scan tickets, baggage on the band and ready).
Online check-in is only worthwhile if you don’t have a task baggage.
Then you can save it. Otherwise sowiso must stand.
I always check in online, then I have my ticket on my phone, that’s my favorite.
However, you also have some of the advantages with baggage during online check in – separate online check in switches, where you can only fix your baggage, or you can then run the whole thing over an automatic machine and place your baggage anywhere on the conveyor.
I find Online Check In super, because you don’t have to hire or. You have the tickets. I’m never gonna fly with duty baggage, but that definitely doesn’t have to go to the airport before. That’s what you’re bringing to the flight. You just have the tickets and can choose your seat if you don’t have one yet.
Everything has already been said for online checkin. However, if you live near the airport, I’d see if they offer an eve checkin. Then you can put everything in your baggage one day before and take your boarding pass. Then relax the next day to the gate without great standing.
Sometimes it is worth, sometimes not, you don’t know that before. Under certain circumstances, you can save yourself hours of standing. I think I’d do it if I could.
The baggage must you do not necessarily bring to the airport can be separated but you’re leaving it the day before. We never did the stress.
It is worth fleing with more than 3 people(which you know e.g. family) or you have no task luggage