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3 years ago

I don’t think the Trent will stop for the e-car. They are not environmentally friendly in the production of batteries, nor in the production of raw materials for batteries. Even the disposal of the batteries has not been resolved in any way. Sure, there is the argument that the batteries hold for 30 years, but that’s what they say about nuclear energy. The fact is, we leave our children again our garbage, just like our predecessors.

3 years ago
Reply to  Next1Up

I need my car for the long distance, I don’t have time until my car is loaded in Cologne and I can continue to Hamburg. Everyone has to decide how to use his mobile base. I’ll drive my car further until someone can make me a reasonable hydrogen offer. The subsidy of alternative energies to stop or to lose was indeed a big mistake.

3 years ago

From overshooting current peaks, which hitherto have to be disposed of or regulated in a cost-intensive manner. See link above.

3 years ago

But where are you?

3 years ago

No, we will need methanization in the long term for the storage of renewable electricity, as it makes not only economic sense to use it for cars.

Z.b. and-methane-935978/

3 years ago

The production of methanol is, unfortunately, too expensive, in Brazil they drive with a bio-mixture E50, only here the same motors are supposed to already fail with E10. The methanol is produced in biogas plants, which means that instead of food, rape is cultivated for the plants. At the E10 Boom we have already experienced how potatoes, bread, vegetables became more expensive, because it was too little cultivated, to gunns of rapes.

3 years ago

After electro now and hydrogen thereafter, methane(ol) will end.

3 years ago

Not only the fact that e-cars are subsidised (i.e. purchasing premium).

They are the future for climate neutrality and I would not buy burners anymore.

3 years ago
Reply to  LuuucaDE

This is not true with climate neutrality as long as production and power generation is not climate-neutral.

3 years ago
Reply to  Vando

I am aware of this, but a combustion engine is once again a multiple of the emissions of non-sustainable power generation.

3 years ago

At present, 5-6 years old currents with partly below 50,000km of running power are already scraped again, because their real-world distance is down to below 50km and the battery exchange would cost over 20,000€.

Buying such a vehicle makes no sense, whether we calculate the cost-effectiveness or the load.

3 years ago

I understand what you want out. I wouldn’t call it a lot. Petrol engines emit 44% more than electric cars per km, according to the following BMU investigation. Page 7.

3 years ago

What about battery production and disposal?

3 years ago

Yes, definitely. Until the e-car policy passes, it takes 20 years. This question is at the earliest in 20 years

3 years ago

Really “reward” is a new purchase only for the producer and the dealer.

3 years ago
Reply to  Next1Up

A used car makes economic but also ecologically much more sense! Let’s talk about it: if you earn your daily bread with the card, then you pay.

3 years ago

Either way, it gets more expensive.

As long as no one forbids me, I’ll go on with gasoline.

3 years ago

If it’s a used person, why not?

3 years ago
Reply to  Next1Up

Well, it is clear in the course every year.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kleidchen2

The question is, how do you use the car? How many kilometers a day, a year? For 20,000 eurons, there are also new cars, what a used one is going on?

3 years ago

For 20 K + 6 or 10 K premium you will get an acceptable e-car.

3 years ago

I will buy a burnt

I find horny, brumm, brumm

with 850 ps, which consumes 30l to 100km

I don’t go much anyway and I’ll let myself go

3 years ago
Reply to  Next1Up

therefore I will not buy a new car for 70k

3 years ago
Reply to  LordAlBundy

The 850 HP Brumm Brummi would have you liked to have

3 years ago
Reply to  Wutzli

no, not really

autos are money destroyers, I actually prefer to buy the money

but 250ps or so I get myself next

3 years ago


3 years ago

Production is meant in the subject of ‘forbiding burners’. Then it will take about 20 more years to slowly disappear on the streets. Some producers (e.g. Toyota, Kia) have already announced that the production of Otto engines will be stopped in the foreseeable future. Large workshops are already equipped for the maintenance of e-mobiles. No one has the intention of completely prohibiting burners on the highways.

3 years ago

before 2030 they will not forbid this

though., when annalena gets there, everything is possible

3 years ago

Yeah, well, all of a sudden, the e-car still humps out of the egg.

3 years ago

The future belongs to the e-cars.

If you can start driving and you should burn a used one