Lohnt sich Leasing (Frage zu Reperaturkosten)?
Wenn man ein Auto leasen tut, ist es doch üblich das man die Reperaturen am Auto trotzdem selber bezahlen muss oder ?
Diese muss man jedoch meistens in vorgegebenen Werkstätten reparieren lassen oder ?
Kann da jemand aus Erfahrung sprechen wieviel teurer diese sind ?
Und wie ist es wenn man den Leasing Wagen zb. 3 Wochen fährt und dann ein Schaden (ohne eigene Schuld) von 2-3 Tausend Euro entsteht, muss man diesen dann auch selber übernehmen ?
Allgemein gefragt, lohnt sich Leasing ?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
The question of “loaning” is always such a thing. It always depends on what personal priorities are set. A flat-rate ‘yes’ is probably just as wrong as a flat-rate ‘no’.
Yes, if damage occurs in the car, you have to pay for it. Leasing means, simply expressed, nothing other than “renting on time with return without defects”.
However, it is always necessary to consider what kind of damage it is. With some luck it is a warranty case, otherwise you have to grab yourself in your pocket.
If you are involved with the vehicle in an accident, it is important to inform the leasing bank immediately and to obtain a repair release.
In the case of repair costs, it is necessary to distinguish how the damage occurred.
Was it an accident? A leasing vehicle should be fully covered (some leasing companies even demand that). So you’d only pay the profit.
Was it a defect (without accident, without damage due to your own inability) within the warranty period? Then the guarantee comes up.
I think it’s a good idea for a leasing vehicle to complete a warranty extension so that you can guarantee until the end of the leasing period.
Older used cars, where you have to count more often with defects, and for which you don’t get a guarantee, there are usually no leasing cars.
I believe that the question of whether leasing is worthwhile should be answered differently – not about the question of repair costs. In principle, leasing is more expensive than buying and eventually selling again, because the leasing company also wants to earn money. However, I sometimes give the case that a car type that sells badly is very cheaply sold by the manufacturer to leasing companies – not so cheap to private customers because he does not want to publicly admit that his car sells so badly. In such a case, leasing may be cheaper.
Leasing has other advantages:
Wages is relative, maintenance costs are idR inclusive but depends on the contract what is in there.
All repair costs may be paid except maintenance,
it is just as possible that all repairs are paid to bites and that in prescribed workshops..
There are a variety of possibilities that, depending on the company, you have a leasing contract with just as different stag designs. Be careful.
No reader has something to give away and everything just wants your KOhle.. the cheapest is an older used box with warranty to buy OK off and what to clean but still cheaper as such a mist contract.
Leasing Lohnt really only if you have a company and can reduce these costs by tax, which presupposes corresponding sales.
Rechne mal Hoch what such a karre OK is costing you new in the year and the charcoal is irreplaceable whether it is still ferry or in the workshop.The times three or five years gives you beautiful used and that belongs to you..
Leasingkists will be returned the coal is gone and possibly still later found defects must be paid or you must have an amount X numbers which is usually above the residual value of the vehicle to buy out. Great business..
I find Leasing doof.
The only advantage is that you can drive a car, which is above your own conditions and you all think you are a great pike.
then there will be a guilty person
your insurance is not involved. Nevertheless, I would always put such a vehicle in a brand workshop