Lohnt sich eine Generalüberholung?
Hi Leute, folgende Frage:
Wie tief muss man bei einer Generalüberholung etwa in die Tasche greifen?
Hierbei geht es um Gebrauchtwagen die aus nostalgischen Gründen gekauft werden, jedoch schon mehrere hunderttausend Kilometer gelaufen sind und einige Blessuren haben.
Rechnet man alles mit ein, also Bremsen, Abgasanlage, Antriebsstrang, Innenraum, etc., auf was für eine Summe käme man ungefähr? Es geht hierbei nicht um Centbeträge, mich interessieren die tausender-Schritte.
Nehmen wir als Beispiel eine Mittelklasse Limousine (Jahrtausendwende) und ein reines „neuwertig“, nicht Tuning. So, dass man dem Auto sein Alter innerlich wie äußerlich nicht ansieht.
Ich freue mich über jede eurer Einschätzungen!
Lg, T.
Can’t be said at a flat rate.
in a car of 2000, this is usually not worth it at all.
That is exactly what I hoped not to read, as described, about nostalgic reasons and not financial logic. Just assumed it was your dream car and you would have an infinite amount of money.
Even then not.
You can throw the money out of the window.
With value-stable vehicles/ future classics etc., that’s different.
To ask a question that you might understand:
what does the renovation of my house cost from about 2000?
What color does my underpants have?
How much does a goat herd deserve when he was born in 2000?
How much milk does a camel exist at 0 o’clock when it saw the light of the world in 1990?
I can’t understand why you’re even answering if it’s not answerable? Then just save your time and take care of the questions that correspond to your level of knowledge…
My estimate:
something between 1-372828282
Euro, dollar, dinar, lira, beet, potatoes.
So what’s simple not to answer/ appreciate.
first it is possible to compute (at least approximately (as I said a thousand steps)), secondly why do you answer the question at all? I just wanted a thread where you can talk about it properly with people, it was neither a special car (where the state you can’t smell was even described about), nor a price limit, just theoretical costs. Don’t understand why you’ve stepped this up directly as a not worth mentioning and additionally has no answer … you could have just had a normal conversation to deal with the topic and help each other if you don’t have any interest in that kind of thing my best, then please don’t answer such questions… LG!
How to say you can’t answer it at a flat rate or should I smell the state of the car?
But it’s not a matter of throwing the money out of the window or not, it’s about how much it would cost. If you don’t know the answer it’s not bad, but whether something is worth it or not everyone has to decide for themselves. It is on the platform to answer the questions asked and not to make anyone interested in something mad.