Lohnt sich ein Onlyfans Account?
Hi, ich bin 19 Jahre alt und weiblich. Hatte eigentlich nie Interesse an solchen Dingen, aber ich sehe jetzt wie viel manche Frauen mit diesem Onlyfans Zeug verdienen. Ich finde es ehrlich etwas unfair, dass ehrlich hart arbeitende Menschen solch eine Summe an Geld wahrscheinlich im Leben nicht mal sehen werden, während diese Frauen auf Onlyfans teilweise Millionen im Monat verdienen mit ihrem Körper.
Ich frage mich, ob es sich lohnen würde für mich. Bin Studentin, arbeite nebenbei und so ziemlich mein ganzes Geld geht für Miete drauf. Ich finde dass ich viel besser aussehe als 99% der Frauen dort und würde es einfach mal ausprobieren. Denke auch ich könnte erfolgreich sein. Der große Nachteil wäre aber, dass ich mich schämen würde und gegen meine Prinzipien gehn würde. Für mich ist das unehrliche Arbeit. Wenn’s jemand auch noch rausfindet, wäre das das schlimmste überhaupt. Und wahrscheinlich verdiene ich damit nichtmal was, da mich ja niemand kennt.
Meine Frage ist nun, auch wenn man Geld verdient.. lohnt es sich? Verliert man da nicht seine Würde? Ich bin echt innerlich gespalten zu dem Thema, da ich wirklich gern mehr Geld hätte als jetzt aber ich einfach mein Körper nicht verkaufen will. Die Summen die manche da verdienen motivieren mich aber das auch machen zu wollen.
Quite as simple as that sounds in this genre of social media or is advertised by OF itself, it is of course not! It depends on what you want to do with OF as a provider or actor: Should it be an influencer account or go directly into the erotic rail?! As with the other platforms, the “big money” comes only with the positive application of your activities through OF and the range with which your appearance is and falls, like elsewhere! The platform operator is involved in any sale (e.g. from Abos and your personal offers!), which means that the whole thing is cost-covering for all sides in terms of merit! In your project, you will have a corresponding effort in the form of necessary photo and/or video equipment, which must then be recovered by your orders! Your fans already have certain qualitative requirements that will ultimately affect pricing! And because the competition never sleeps, will you always try to always lie a nose in front?! Only then will your work pay off profitably! 😉
I can only join the general tenor: just try it! If you already have reach on another social media platform and link to OF from there, you already have a decisive advantage: you don’t start at zero and you have to look for first customers very hard, but the one or other of your followers on YouTube will follow you on OnlyFans. Of course, this happens once more out of curiosity, but it’s also up to you what you’re doing and how you take care of your followers. If you look as great as you say – which is naturally in the eye of the viewer – then you will be able to tie followers to you. And many male users are generally the student type = the younger, the better. As such, you are not necessarily dependent on riches now and the one or the other hundred in addition, you can definitely earn on OF my opinion and after various conversations with girls who do that without going into Fulltime.
Showing and recognizing another issue: OF has millions of users in Germany and abroad. Do you know your YouTube followers personally? Transfer to OnlyFans: do you think you’re going through the city and people would recognize you and appeal? I don’t think so. There are girls who are super successful but their fans are distributed nationwide or worldwide, don’t run over their way, say; they are not recognized in everyday life! This can be the advantage of such a platform: despite a certain range, it is NOT to be confronted in everyday life. Or how should the neighbour, the co-student, teacher, future employers be aware of your OF-existence. Do you think anyone who knows you googels first if you happen to have an OF account? OnlyFans isn’t Facebook and as long as you use a username that doesn’t close to your real name, I see little to zero risk. And even if: Most followers would probably react more positively than you would have to fear any disadvantages. Why would I come to a person who I follow on OF and for whom I invest some money?? Of course there are exceptions and lots of sick guys in this world, but here too is the probability that the one follower who happens to meet you on the street will also be intrusive.
I even had a nice dinner with a very well-known bikini model in Thailand, which is also represented on OnlyFans and then naturally presents itself naked there. On that it was mentioned whether it was recognized on the street came to the answer no, it was not a “Star”. Well, the lady has half a million followers on Instagram and Facebook, and certainly a fair number on OnlyFans and is not being bothered or harassed.
From this to the end: Trying is about studying! If I were a woman and would only look halfway after something, I would have long ago an OF account, because it is definitely a chance at this time to earn really good (pocket) money! Ask yourself how long this chance remains. Of course, the erotic industry never dies, but here too trends will come and go and only fans may not work so great one day.
What a stupid answer. Miss the women and tell them to try. You better be ashamed.
Don’t be ashamed. It is the year 2024; OnlyFans has millions of customers, also makes millions of revenues, girls of any age and appearance can earn something from pocket money to main income. There is obviously a market for it; So listen to condemning those who use this market no matter what way.
In many countries, some of these girls would have to prostitute themselves; Maybe you’re thinking about moral apostle. Then it is clearly “clean” and also safer to sell erotic content.
You have the same problem as book authors;)
What you’re describing are the ones who made it and earn really a lot of money. And you can be sure that this is and was a lot of work. But to each of the so much deserved thousands who don’t.
As with the authors 😉 for each bestseller there are 10,000 books that remain on the counter.
The one woman can earn money with your body is nothing new. A well-known dances next to the bar when the one time is working a weekend and lots of lost has earned the loose my monthly salary. Onlyfans is the new “variant”
If you look like talking. The appearance is not unimportant but is not the most important. This is about customer retention and aquise.
Do you want that for you? You have to decide. This can be your way of life, but can also be irrelevant.
Try it out, then you know.
By the way Trade, and without if and but.
Click: When do you need to register a business?
Click: Commercial Code
You have a business license sound commercial knowledge and tax your income finely clean?
Then nothing is in your way.
Oh yes, this has to be observed since 01.01.2023:
‘Whoever sells more than 30 articles per year in the future, or takes over 2,000 euros, whose data the platform operator must transmit to the financial authorities’.
Click: Platform Control Transparency Act
Click: Digital platform operator reporting obligations (DPI/DAC7)
Good luck!
With the right strategy it is definitely worth it. Have two models that make over 10k a month and more. Find a niche that suits you and then lets go!
I don’t think it’s a good idea to be honest. Probably you won’t even earn something / not enough. I can’t understand who pays for that. Although I am 20 myself, I am slowly shaking my head when I hear social media and something.
So that was related to what actually goes on social media and various apps like OnlyFans. I think I grew up in the wrong time.
Previously you had the booklets under bed today it is onlyfans that was never different only the supply changes the demand has always been
You have to realize that this will never let you go if you show your face. You can, of course, try without showing your face, then no one will recognize you.
Then it is irrelevant. Without the face, there’s a dead birth
You should start with OnlyFans. You can actually earn a lot of money.
Especially since you’re a student, that’s gonna be great. 💯
You’ll be one under a thousand.
Good luck.
Keep in mind that one millionaire has 1 million platewashers.
You have to make a lot of complaint for your Only Fans account because if you just do one it won’t find or pay for it if they don’t know who you are and look out
Think it becomes more difficult to earn a lot of money without existing reach
I already have a small reach on YouTube
https://linktr.ee/mollyevip it has many free content, including content. You can become your subscriber for Onlyphans
0.1% of women earn so much money there, you should be aware
The question is when it is worthwhile for someone and when not. For a student, 200 euros can be a lot of money extra a month. Not everyone must be able to live from OF to find that it is worth it. 😉
the question is whether it is worth for 200€ to be potentially confronted with nude images to the living. you’re practically vulnerable to the rest of your life.
We can discuss in circles; I don’t share your fears, point! There are limits that are set, including potential employers, which are allowed to recruit to snuffalo via applicants and what is not. There will be limits to what extent such search engines can and may be used. There were years ago even that Facebook had automatically assigned and tagged all faces on photos; that had to be withdrawn. It is also technically possible to trace traffic signs; I still can’t google as a private man until today, who hears the number of the driver in front of me, who annoys me.
And the €200 was just one example. Maybe the good does a thousand a month or she does so well that she can live by OF?
I think you didn’t understand the problem.
I see a future in which there is a search engine in which you post a picture of a person and this search engine will spit out all the pictures in the net that contain this person. the technology is already there – the search engine is not yet.
the pictures are always on the internet. even if it only posts privately – everyone can screenshotten or download them.
If anyone ever wants to hurt you, it would be easy. is simply a risk, that is one for thousands of eurosmglw., for lavish 200€/month I would rather go to h&m jobben or something.
As “sensually short-sighted” as you find, so “weakly exaggerated” I find the fear of being discovered. Again also the question to you: Why should anyone want to come out of the nearer environment of the thread creator or – even more unlikely – discover them randomly on OF? In addition, the one who confronts them would have to admit to being on the side itself and then seeing them in clear poses.
The lady I met lives in Pattaya, the stronghold of male Thailand tourists and, of course, many of their followers live there; if not as a well-employed model with half a million. Followers are being addressed, why should that happen to a student with a rather clear number of fans in this country?
Of course, everything can happen, but I still think the danger is very low. Or are you spying on every half-way well-looking woman you encounter and where she’s rubbing around, especially if she’s working on OF? I hardly think.
that’s so short-sighted. Already now your iphone can recognize all faces on your photos and assign them to a person. And this technique will only be better.
As long as your photo is in the more or less public network, you have to expect to be able to assign it to you in the long term. No one has to recognize you for this, that makes the technology all alone. This is not even a hypothetical case – the technology is already present today.
To do this, I quote myself from my answer to the threader:
“OF has millions of users in Germany and abroad. Do you know your YouTube followers personally? Transfer to OnlyFans: do you think you’re going through the city and people would recognize you and appeal? I don’t think so. There are girls who are super successful but their fans are distributed nationwide or worldwide, don’t run over their way, say; they are not recognized in everyday life! This can be the advantage of such a platform: despite a certain range, it is NOT to be confronted in everyday life. Or how should the neighbour, the co-student, teacher, future employers be aware of your OF-existence. Do you think anyone who knows you googels first if you happen to have an OF account? OnlyFans isn’t Facebook and as long as you use a username that doesn’t close to your real name, I see little to zero risk.
I even had a nice dinner with a very well-known bikini model in Thailand, which is also represented on OnlyFans and then naturally presents itself naked there. On that it was mentioned whether it was recognized on the street came to the answer no, it was not a “Star”. Well, the lady has half a million followers on Instagram and Facebook, and certainly a fair number on OnlyFans and is not being bothered or harassed.”
Again, the question: How great do you see the danger of being identified from a perhaps three-digit number of followers (relating to Germany, and then it would be quite active) and confronted with it in daily life? Another “until the rest of life?? You change, only right when it is still very young, maybe 20 years later it will not be recognized at all.
I would neglect this, but I also understand the other side. It CAN happen, of course, anyway, the devil is a squirrel as you say…
There you can just see how sad this world has become that there are simply possibilities to earn so vieeeel simple money instead of getting something normal in his life sucked up and going up every morning and working normally. But no 99% of all women felt on the Internet selling their bodies and notgeile men buy the shitty shit because they have never touched a woman in real life. Those who say “every woman can do what she wants” NOT EBEN!!! In my eyes, it is an unfair advantage of the female sex to the male sex, but women say “men earn much more because they are the stronger sex and harder work and women do not blably equality”. In my eyes, women are on the Internet to publish the videos for money as they satisfy themselves or otherwise what such a word as those who get to Frankfurt or rent a room in a brothel and make up with men. “Bla bla everyone can decide what he does with his body” NOT EBEN!!! If I don’t earn as much money with hard honest work as women who haven’t even visited the 1 class but basically earn money as they show feet I think you should do something about ending this hell circle and prohibiting such funds earning.