Lohnt sich ein Hybrid?
ich überlege mir den Hyundai i30 als Hybrid zu kaufen im Sommer aufgrund der hohen Spritpreise.
nun die Frage, lohnt sich ein Hybrid ?
ich überlege mir den Hyundai i30 als Hybrid zu kaufen im Sommer aufgrund der hohen Spritpreise.
nun die Frage, lohnt sich ein Hybrid ?
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The i30 does not exist as a full hybrid, but only as a mildhybrid with 48 volt system. This brings certain advantages, such as advanced start-stop operation (deactivation of the burner during braking below 30km/h), sailing mode (deactivation of the burner during rolling without gas/brake) and engine start via the 48-volt starter generator. Boosten is also possible during acceleration.
A Mildhybrid cannot drive purely electrically. The system thus brings only low actual advantages, but is not pointless and, in particular with DCT transmissions, allows a very nice driving operation with small fuel saving potential.
I’ve been driving a plug-in hybrid for some time now and I’m very happy about it. Knappe 70 KM go in electric. With my Toyota RAV4, I almost always get back to Kiel by electricity from my place of residence. You can hardly drive more cheaply.
With your i30 hybrid, you always drive with the burner and get only a small e-support. This will not really be noticeable for your consumption.
Because of hybrid, I wouldn’t buy the i30. There are better models of Toyota.
But otherwise the Hyundai is a very good choice.
For example, a Yaris Hybrid or Prius is quite profitable in the case of a corresponding driving profile.
I don’t think so much about Mildhybrids.
a hybrid is only worthwhile for the gas station. Because he uses more than a pure gasoline drive. The reason: The heavy supporting battery brings more weight for the car, as a result, consumption increases.
The beautiful low consumption values are, unfortunately, pure marketing and, above all, benefit the economy more than the consumer. Be careful.
Many greetings,
I guess you’re a little wrong-informed.