Lohnt sich ein besserer pc?

Ich möchte mir zu Weihnachten vlt einen neuen PC holen. Die Frage ist lohnt es sich?

Ich habe gerade eine gtx 1650, i5 10000f jetzt wäre meine Frage soll ich mir einen besseren PC holen? Ich möchte elden ring und assasins creed immer auf 60fps haben und eine gute Grafik. Mein buget wäre 600-850. Vielleicht auch bis 1000€. Was würded ihr mir empfehlen? Bin m15 und kann von daher nicht so schnell Geld bekommen.

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8 months ago

So if you’re talking about the graphics, a new PC is not worth it.

In this case, you should invest the money in an upgrade of your GPU. You can inform yourself on the internet that meets your requirements.

It’s probably much cheaper, and the chip isn’t outdated yet, but there are newer models, but this would probably not be worth it.

How much GB of RAM you have, you could think about a possible upgrade.

8 months ago
Reply to  Fagot434

Then you could think about increasing to 24 or 32 GB.

8 months ago


what would you recommend?

Better ask if you have the money. Then you can make a recommendation that takes into account the current market conditions.
Generally, however, it is already heading towards new PCs. SSD, power supply and housing can be assumed.


8 months ago

What you have for a power supply, memory or CPU cooler. Then it’s best to have a new PC where you can hopefully keep the parts. if 1000€ in it you can build something very good.

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8 months ago
Reply to  Fagot434

I am surprised that the old PC has worked with the power supply. For example, you need the focus gx 750 or 850w. You get 90-100€. 1100€ would certainly be too much, wouldn’t it?

8 months ago
Reply to  Raptor2799


If power supply and memory are still good then maybe so. More performance goes for the price.

8 months ago

Which ryzen 5 and a 3060 are not worth it. If the RX 6800 is too expensive, then an RX 6750xt. you get in the offer for smooth 300.

8 months ago


The graphics card is worse (the old one was on the lvl 4070tisuper, which is now somewhat better than the 4060ti16gb)