Lohnt sich ein 125er A1 Führerschein?
Da ich momentan meine Ausbildung gestartet habe denke ich die ganze Zeit darüber ein A1 Führerschein zu machen , weil bei meinem gefühlten Dorf fahren Busse jede Stunde. Also ich stehe um 6:45 auf und brauche immer eine Stunde um dahin zu kommen. Und um 17 uhr hab ich schluss dann bin ich am ende erst 18 Uhr zuhause:/ Da ist gefühlt schon der ganze Tag weg. Außerdem finden meine Eltern den Führerschein gefährlich und wollen das nicht
Was haltet ihr davon?
Yes will be worth it.
I also made my A1 to be more mobile in the village and to get to work in you.
How far it is worth it depends on what you want to do. If you want to do the A2 and A then you can definitely do the A1. Then you only have to do the mandatory driving hours and the practice check for the A2 (at 18). It goes fast and doesn’t cost much. The same is then from A2 to A (at 20). Only mandatory tasks, practical examination and a few hundred euros.
At A2 and A you don’t need a theory of practice examination anymore.
If you just want to do the A1 to be mobile at short notice, but once you’re 18, I wouldn’t do the A1. You can save your money and drive with BF17 with the 50s scooter.
I would also if you did the A1 and before you have to make the A2 ascent, buy a quite cheap motorcycle (maximum 2000€). For 2 years, no new motorcycle is profitable. You only have a loss of value and pay for it.
The 125s are already okay with the fun factor. You have the feeling of freedom and you think you’re a Moto GP driver. But the right motorcycle ride starts with the A2 and A. At 16 years, however, it definitely makes sense.
LG Schurzi21
actually I like motorcycle but I love also cars I don’t know
At that time I took my 125s to 95% just to go to work and I rarely drove “private” around. (approximately 3,000-4,000km)
However, this has changed strongly with the A2 (in 2 years 12,000km) and the A (since purchasing 8,000km). I drive as well as never with my car, only if I have to buy something (e.g. many drinks or the like) or it rains strongly and in winter with snow.
For me, my motorcycle has more advantages than my car.
If you need it or want it, it’s worth it, of course.
I love car so much what to do now
Do what you want.