Lohnt sich E-Bike um Po fett abzunehmen?

Ich würde gerne ein E- Bike kaufen um abends am Wochenenden durch die Stadt zu fahren um Po fett abzunehmen. Lohnt es sich bzw baut man durch Fahrrad fahren am Hintern fett ab ?

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6 months ago

You can’t specifically lose fat.

If you consume more calories than you eat, you take off. If you eat more, you increase.

Through sport, no matter what sports, you burn a few calories and build up corresponding muscles. Here you can decide by the sport what muscles you build and how you want to improve your stamina.

Only fat on the Po or on the abdomen does not go. There are no special pills, foods, yoga techniques, etc.

If you like cycling as a sport, you can do this. This trains the endurance very well and the thighs (also the calves when driving with click pedals). At the e-bike, of course, you are less active than at “bio” wheels, but better than nothing is definitely the case.

6 months ago

Buy directly nen 50s roller , just as effective ..