Is this electronic drum kit worth it?

Alesis Nitro Mesh Kit

It costs about 470€ new.

I can't play yet and only want to do it as a hobby. But I still don't want to buy complete junk.

In principle I would be willing to spend up to 700€, but I don't know if that's necessary for my purposes.

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2 years ago

Hi! The provider here starts with 300 euros, but actually wants to see more like you at the instant purchase price. If you can shoot this for 300 euros, that would be okay for me. Watch the offer until shortly before the end and pay the 300 euros. I would not pay more than 350, perhaps 370 euros against the background of the new price. And: it looks really good, but you don’t know how it was treated.

But now “in content”: the more an eDrum should behave like an acoustic set, the more expensive they become. This depends on various technical factors.

Alesis is a well-known brand for eDrums, but in the (new)price category you are getting more or less compromises, which you will hardly feel as an absolute beginner. Nevertheless, I do not recommend eDrums in the price range.

Look at this one.

More does not go for the money and the set gets good recessions. I wouldn’t go below that, but rather higher.

If you like to ask questions.


2 years ago

I would invest more in your place, but for the price this looks quite ok 👌🏻

2 years ago


you should read this test in the drumming review and also look at the ternatives. But if only in English, you can translate from the browser

Alesis Nitro Mesh Kit Review: Read This Before You Buy (

