Lohnt sich die Ryzen 7 5700x3D?
Moin Liebe PC Community,
ich hab da eine Frage an euch, demnächst kommt ja die 50er Reihe an RTX KARTEN. Jetzt frage ich mich ob sich der Ryzen 7 5700x3D lohnt momentan habe ich den normalen 5700x…
würde die 5070TI damit auch laufen?
mit freundlichen Grüßen
The upgrade is not worth
Depending on the resolution, the Ryzen 7 5700x is still sufficient
From nem 5700x to the 5700x3D I would be too little performance upgrade if then directly new platform. But yes, the 5700x3D would fit aucu well with a high end GPU.
Yes it’s pretty little there you’re absolutely right, so theoretically it would also go with the normal 5700x3D? Or do you mean switch directly to AM5?
for CPU based games (Fortnite) the difference is great with the X3D technology.
I upgraded myself to the Ryzen 7 5800X3D and am therefore from 200 fps to 700-800 fps (Fortnite) despite “bad” (RTX2070) graphics card.
So when you play CPU based games I find it worth it, but if you don’t care about performance, but rather graphics, your current CPU is enough and if you have a good budget, you’ll be right on AM5.
If you play all games in 4k, you will hardly see any more FPS increase, with a stronger CPU, in this situation the 5700x would be enough for 4k.
The question for me is only whether the 50 series zb gets the 5080TI fluctuation 🧐
It’s almost impossible to upgrade. I mean x3D is already an upgrade but whether it’s really worth it
Yes are not really benefits…