Lohnt sich die DJI Mavic Air 2?
Hallo Leute,
ich kenne leider die Gesetzeslage für Drohnen über 250g nicht, ich habe mal gehört, dass es für Drohnen mit 250g+ strenger sein soll. Bisher habe ich gehört, dass man nicht überall fliegen kann, wo man mit einer 250g Drohne fliegen könnte, oder dass man einen Drohnenführerschein braucht und die Drohne mit einer Plakette/Kennzeichen ausstatten soll, ist nur Halbwissen, deswegen wollte ich fragen, ob es stimmt und ob ich noch andere wichtigere Dinge beachten sollte? Zudem ist auch eure persönliche Meinung gefragt, ob es sich lohnt.
The DJI Mavic Air 2 is worthwhile when you get the “right” expectations or has requirements.
The universally matching drone for everyone does not exist!
Then you should get information about it.
You only use official sources for this! All necessary information can be found at the German Aviation Agency (LBA).
You have to read the rules yourself. After all, you have to fully understand yourself as a pilot.
That’s it.
It’s easier to do with drones than 250g if they have a camera. The e-ID must be on the license plate. To get this, you must register with the ID card and insurance certificate at the LBA.
Insurance is mandatory in 99% of cases!
Thanks for the extensive answer, I will definitely keep informing myself. So the driver’s license, the plaque should not be a problem, nor the insurance. What makes me worry is that I’m afraid not to be able to fly the drone long, because of any drone laws and drone classifications (as I have heard), and I’m also worried that I might be allowed to fly in too few places, mainly I want to fly in nature (there are no flying zones such as nature conservation areas).
I would be interested in: How do you see that? Where do you fly (travels, holidays or yet home)? How often do you fly (once a week or more once a year)? And what are you flying for a drone? Greetings.
I have different drones. My favorite drone is the DJI Mavic Air 2 in the Fly More Combo with DJI Care Refresh. Was my first product of DJI and I am still brightened. I love this drone just about everything ▼
I’m just doing flying here with us in Germany. At least so far.
But my insurance is all over the world. If there was even a discount code that saves the redeemer and me money 😛
Flying is different. Actually, whenever it fits from time to time. Since it is statistically raining every third day, it is sometimes not so easy to find suitable flight dates 😀
On average it may be 1-4x per month.
Flying you will already be able to drone – but in subcategory A3. It’s a pity for me, but it’s not even dramatic.
In most places with me I can fly. Only rarely is the operation not possible here and there. Look at you, you have to do some research. The “Droniq” app makes it easy. This is, among other things, from the German air traffic control and shows a legal place to fly (Important: The app is of course only used for support).
clear – that is not a problem 🙂
Thank you for all the information, I know you’re supposed to get in touch with yourself, but would it be okay if I add you to the list of friends if I have a few more questions at some point?
All information can be found on official pages — primarily those of the Federal Aviation Office (LBA) https://www.lba.de/DE/Home/home_node.html
Look at this FAQ from LBA.
All your questions should be answered: https://www.lba.de/DE/Drohnen/FAQ/01_FAQ_General/FAQ_node.html
This is only for support!
It is not free of errors and does not necessarily show everything. The duty to comply with all the rules is still at the pilot. In order to know what to do and what not – you have to train regularly at LBA (on the website).
I’m on my way – please let me know again by comment later (so that the comment appears in the notification bar). Will reply
Oh man, this is really burdensome, but: welcome to Germany! 😀
What exactly does that mean, where is the difference to before (now)? Could you explain this to me, that would be great 🙂
So I also have the app and have heard of the more evict that information is sometimes not correct, there is only my question: where do you get the safe information? So I live in Bochum-Wattenscheid and with me everything is yellow and a few places are red and green. If I were flying, I would go to nature somewhere in Southwest Germany. I would, if I were to get an Air 2, take her on vacation and fly there, would you have done that before? Do you have any permissions or something? 😀
Sounds stressful, but really is not an effort.
Whether under 250g or over 250g makes little difference in flying. Almost the same rules apply. Except in Austria, there are drones with less than 250g believe even as “toys”.
I had the DJI Air2 and can absolutely recommend it. Great part!
Okay, thank you, just the information I needed. But if you’re flying yourself, where are you going? Rather at your home in the area or just on holiday or further away?
I swapped the DJI Air2 for the Mini 2 because I’d rather fly when I travel. For the fun, I own the FPV Combo, but that’s a lot of stuff.
I’m sticking to most strict restrictions. But sometimes I’m flying “illegal” too, I’m not disturbing anyone.
The basic rules are simple:
150m to residential/professional areas and in no case at airports, military facilities etc…
In nature conservation areas I am not so strict….
Correct me instead of writing “false” 😀
that’s not quite true.
The drone needs NO fireproof plaque more. That was recently changed. However, you have to attach a license plate — it just doesn’t have to be fireproof anymore. It makes a fire-resistant but of course.
And the rules are already different in some important points. You should know that.
Thank you, I didn’t know.
There are also very few situations in which this protection of DJI takes place.
It’s okay:)
I’ve been flying with DJI since the first Mavic drone and never had a start ban. But I do not generally start in flight ban zones and almost never in residential areas.
You can’t.
Some zones are locked by DJI – then you can’t fly.
In many areas where it is forbidden to fly, you can still fly as this DJI has not integrated into its system.
Yes then everything is really good 😀 So laws that you should not fly in human assemblies or in residential regions could still be understood, but otherwise.
You can start anywhere I know.
Okay, but isn’t it that it doesn’t even lift off in “illegal” zones?
I personally live in Hamburg and can make a drone rise legally as well as NIRGENDs, as there are no flying zones everywhere.
There is also an app: Droniq-Approval
Thank you, how are you doing? Could you fly with a 250g drone? Are you still flying?
I sent my drone back (under 250g), not usable for me and the few “places” where it goes, for that is all too expensive
That’s right, thank you.
You’ll make the right decision for yourself 🙂 Have fun!
Yes, you’re right, but I have to say I love making threats, and having a 4k camera with 60fps is already tempting :D. Unfortunately, it’s a batch of money, but I’m just thinking ^^
Um…yes, just as I said, I couldn’t see the little symbols anymore, because the “sun protection” also used more 🙂
But honestly, stay with your drone, because why buy new if you already have one. Unfortunately, the possible flights will no longer be.
Oh, man, I’m really sorry, but actually there are many useful gadgets like a sunscreen for the phone 🙂
Unfortunately, I couldn’t try that because I saw nix on the control in the sun:)
Jap, I definitely agree with you, but great pictures do it:D
The control is on my eyes, I’m getting old 🙂 Yes, last is the main problem and if you can fly anywhere on holiday, I doubt it. Well, and on the bottom, it costs too much money, for “ab and at times”
So I have a Mavic Mini for a little longer and I just flew it when I went somewhere, into nature, for example, have no problem with the control etc., but I’ve heard that you can hardly fly…
At the prices? 🙂 ne, as I said, I sent them back because there are hardly any possibilities.
Personally, I also had the following problem: You will see the control of the drone on the phone. The symbols were too small for MICH and I almost saw nix more in sunlight = no fun
Yeah, I can understand… But wouldn’t you even go somewhere to fly there?
From 250 Gr needs insurance and registration at lba. You need the drone license a1/a3 too. Where you can fly has very little to do with the weight of drone. Only the weight in combination with the remote pilot proof indicates how close you can fly to people
Okay, thank you, I’m already in possession of a drone driver’s license, which I’ve been fun for ^^^
unfortunately this answer is wrong
Insurance needs IMMER!
Registration at the LBA is not only linked to weight!
“Where you can fly very little with the weight of the drone.”
– also nonsense. There is a division of the weights in the laws, which is sometimes very different.
Just answer if you have any idea….
Pretty much everything. See my other comment.
What’s wrong?