Lohnt sich die Bundeswehr?

Also ich bin Momentan am Überlegen ob ich zum Bund gehen soll, wie ist es dort? Ich bin ein sehr sportlicher Kerl und liebe auch Abenteuer also genau das was ich mir da vorstelle bei der Bundeswehr, mein einziges Problem ist, dass ich zwei bekannte habe die dort waren und nur negativ berichtet haben, z.B haben sie mehr rumgegammelt als Action gehabt und auch die Kollegen sollen nicht die besten gewesen sein also sprich jeder hält sich für was besseres vorallem die Vorgesetzten sollen sehr herabwürdigend sein. Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit der Bundeswehr und kann mal seine Meinung dazu sagen? Laufbahn etc. müsste ich mir noch überlegen aber generell habe ich schon Interesse.

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1 year ago

I also have a friend who wants to go to the covenant. Apparently, you’re doing some kind of basic training, whereupon you specialize in some areas. There are good chances of ascent which, at least I think, are more about your own performance than the above. The salary is also getting better and better. What is also an advantage is that the training costs, e.g. driving licence, are taken over by the federal government, which also helps you in your private life.

1 year ago

Why don’t you do voluntary military service.

Here you can look at your favorite unit and work there for 6-23 months. You can see if the covenant is something for you or not.

I also think that it is very important for your unity as much “action” there is, for example, if you are in a unit that will soon be engaged abroad, then you will probably have more action than in one that will not go away so soon.

The same with the superiors I think it is very important as your superior is, there are good and bad.

1 year ago

I was SaZ4 a long time ago.

And 50 years ago, I was bored to death at the Bundeswehr.

Adventure, training from the parachute hunter over mountain hunters over pioneers of desert and jungle training I had in my six years following the 4 years BW at the légion étrangère. That was pure adventure. First use of war as parachute hunter of 2°REP in May 1978 in Kolwezi, Congo.

1 year ago

Bundeswehr is always a shot in the blue. You can get what you want, but you can be different. The more accurate you know what you want and make it clear to the planner, the better your chances.

1 year ago

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